Categories: Parenting

Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

Books for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss
Crinkleroot’s 25 Fish Every Child Should Know by Jim Arnosky

Reading Center for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

Fill your preschool reading center not only with books about fish, but also with books about the sport of fishing and aquariums/museums in your city or state.

Snack for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

Gold fish crackers, of course!

Another option is gummy worms.

Concepts for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

Letter: F/f
Number: 10, like the Ten Little Fishes swimming in a school
Shape: oval, because some fish look rather oval-ly, wouldn’t you say?
Color: blue, like the blue, blue sea.

Fine Motor Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

Give each of your preschool students a fish cut from poster board on which you have punched holes all along the outer edge. Let your students lace blue yarn through the holes in the fish.

Gross Motor Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

If you have the opportunity, take your preschool students swimming at a public pool or the school pool. Make sure that there is a life guard present. Otherwise, let your preschoolers play outside in wading pools and with water guns.

If the weather is not accommodating to swimming, let your preschoolers pretend to swim while dancing to some upbeat music.

Art Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

Rainbow fish: Let your preschool students cut out a fish shape that you have drawn on white paper. Now let them finger paint the fish shape with blue finger paint. Have your preschool students add some bling to the fish by gluing on colorful sequins and glitter. The glitter won’t need glue if you add it while the finger paint is still wet. Add a big google eye to the fish.

Songs/Finger Plays/Rhymes for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

Three little ditties about fish can be found here. They are titled Ten Little Fishes, Five Little Fishes and Fish.

Pre-math Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

At your pre-math center, set out dice and colorful cut outs that have been laminated. Let your preschool students roll the dice and count out the number of fish that corresponds to the number rolled with the dice. You can always reinforce the concept of colors with this activity. For example, if a student rolls 9, ask him to count out 9 blue fish.

Pre-writing Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Fish

For younger students, provide sheets of paper with the letters F and f lightly printed on them. Have the children trace the letters. do the same with the number 10.

For older students, provide an example of the letters F and f and the number 10. Have the students practice writing the letters and number freehand.

At your preschool classroom’s white board, write the word fish. Let your preschoolers practice writing the word fish at the white board with blue dry erase markers.


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