Categories: Parenting

Potty Training Tips for Stubborn Children

If you are the parent of a stubborn child, then I don’t have to tell you how difficult life can be. Most days are spent in an endless battle of wills, and most days even when you win, you loose. Potty training a stubborn child is no exception. Stubborn children have their own ideas, their own pace, and their own way of doing everything. While this trait will be an asset as they enter adulthood, it makes parenting quite a challenge.

My son isn’t so much stubborn as he is “pre occupied” with what ever he is doing at the moment. He can be extremely focused on playing Thomas, Star Wars, or riding his bike and that makes potty training rather difficult. Along the way I learned a lot about potty training, a lot about my child and a lot about myself. I have included 5 common potty training tips that I hope will help potty train even the most stubborn child.

Tips for Potty Training Stubborn Children #1:

Potty training is often more desired by the parents than the child and they may have a tendency to push potty training on their unsuspecting toddler. While most children are physically ready to potty train between 18 months and 3 years of age, they might not be emotionally ready to tackle the task of potty training. What many parents interpret as stubbornness may just be immaturity. If you introduce potty training to your child and she isn’t cooperative, respect that she might not be ready to use the potty and wait a few more months.

Tips for Potty Training Stubborn Children #2:

Many stubborn children are simply trying to assert their control and gain independence. You need to give them control over their own potty training. By letting them pick out their new underwear, set the date that they will throw away their diapers, and pick fun stickers for their sticker charts, you can give them control over the situation. When they feel like they are a part of the process, you may see them participate more.

Tips for Potty Training Stubborn Children #3:

Stubborn children are often just NOT interested in whatever you are selling. The second you stop trying to SELL them on potty training, you may discover that they become interested all on their own. The key is to introduce potty training in a subtle and passive way. Read them potty books, let them watch potty videos, and encourage them to be a “big kid”. They may be diaper free before you know it.

Tips for Potty Training Stubborn Children #4:

If your child isn’t interested in potty training, she may be afraid of the potty. Many stubborn children are just masking their fears, after all, the potty can be a scary thing when you are just 2. Some children are afraid of the flushing, while others are afraid of sitting on the potty. Talk to your child and try to alleviate her concerns. Have her watch you or her older siblings go to the bathroom so she will see that it is safe. Encourage your older child to help teach her about using the potty. Sometimes when a new situation is scary, a child needs to see that other children have faced the fear and tackled it. If she is still afraid, you may have to delay potty training until she is old enough to understand.

Tips for Potty Training Stubborn Children #5:

If you have tried to introduce potty training and things aren’t going well, you may want to contact your physician. In some cases, chronic constipation or urinary tract infections may be the reason your child is not potty training very well. Your pediatrician may need to prescribe medications to help relieve your child’s medical symptoms. Remember, young children are not always able to effectively tell us what is wrong. You may have to play detective a bit to discover the true reason why your child is not interested in potty training.

Potty training a stubborn child can feel impossible at times, but with a little help, a little persistence, and a lot of patience, you can accomplish it—together.

Karla News

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