Categories: Beauty

Post Beach Skin Care

Vacation is great for you, but it can be really hard on your skin. All that fun in the sun, change in diet, change in activities, and for most of us, mild dehydration, can cause skin issues like acne to creep up out of nowhere. There are a few things that you can do to minimize those skin nasty issues. And there are a few things you can do to correct them if they do happen. Here are my best tips to prevent dryness, acne, and sunburn.

Hydrate. Vacationers frequently suffer from mild dehydration, and most of the time, don’t even know it. Drink plenty of caffeine-free fluids, especially water, to prevent dryness and to flush the body of toxins. You’ll feel better and you’ll look better. Drinking enough water will help keep that ashy skin at bay.

Moisturize. Slather on the moisturizer! This may seem counter-intuitive if you’re in the hot sun all day, but by the time you retire for the night, your skin is thirsty. Choose a moisturizer for your body that is smooth and alcohol-free to prevent razor-burn bumps, and one for your face that is made specifically for your skin type.

Sunblock. I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at how many people forget to reapply it, miss spots, or just plain forget it all together. But keep in mind that on most summer days, you can earn a good sunburn in less than 20 minutes. If sunblock gives you breakouts, try a mineral powder foundation that doubles as sunblock and contains natural SPF. And don’t forget to apply it. Make sure you wash it off as soon as you leave the beach. Yogurt and aloe vera are great, natural forms of sunburn relief.

Exfoliate. Take that sand that accumulates in the bottom of your beach bag, mix it with a little olive oil, and use it to scrub away the dirt and dead skin on your feet. Alternatively, mix together a little sugar with olive oil for the rest of your body, and a little bit of milk and colloidal oatmeal to cleanse your face.

Cleanse. Make sure you wash your face every night before bed to prevent breakouts.

Watch what you eat. The change in diet alone can really wreak havoc on your skin. Mind what you are eating, and indulge only when it is truly a treat.

Don’t over indulge. A little too much alcohol can cause breakouts, dryness, and bags under the eyes. After you’ve had a drink, make sure to sip on some water to stay well-hydrated.

Add fruit. Antioxidants from fruits such as berries, strawberries, black berries, etc., taste great and help fight off skin cancer. They will help your skin be more prepared to face the skin challenges that happen to everyone at vacation. Eat up!

A few steps of prevention are worth more than a pound of cure. Take good care of your skin on vacation and it will take care of you, too.

Karla News

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