Categories: LIFESTYLE

Peronsality Trait of an ENTJ

Personality traits have been separated into four main personalities which each of those four personalities have been sectioned into four smaller ones. NT, NF, ST, and SF are the main personalities and are the two middle letters. Then each of those personality either receive a I or E in front for introverted or extroverted and gets a P or J on the back for perceiving or judging. NT is the rarest type of personality and I will talk about ENTJs.

ENTJs are very similar to an ENTPs, I am an ENTP and have a friend who is an ENTJ so I would know. We tend to be some what responsible and hate getting help from others. We like challenges and obstacles and love completing them. We are more open then the INTPs and INTJs obviously because we are extroverted. Like all the NTs we highly value knowledge and morals. ENTJs Also prefer to be more independent and move out of the parents house when they feel they can. The are trustworthy and believe that all man should be true to there word.

ENTJs are super organized and hates it when others aren’t. ENTJs would rather categorize there ipod in sections rather than just put all the songs on and just shuffle it. Organization is important for school and future jobs. Actually organization just helps overall in everything. ENTJs are lucky enough to be organized unlike the ENTPs who are masters of improvisation and would rather just do things last minute.

Not only are the organized they are also amazing at communicating with others. They have the ability to make people look up to them and want to be with them, basically they got game. When an ENTJ goes to a party they are the ones that the guys would want to be around to look cool and the girls would want to get with. Being naturally self confident other things may boost his confidence even more creating the perfect leader.

Leaders have to be good at planning too. ENTJs have big plans for the future and plan ahead all the time. Unlike most people who wake up then call their friend to ask “What should we do today?” only to get a reply “I don’t know. What do want to do?” ENTJs wake up already planned something for that day. Being organized, confident, and decisive they make the greatest planners.

I miss my ENTJ friend, because he just got a girl friend and he is always planning cool events for their dates while the rest of the gang is falling apart, because we rarely go out any more. He was the man who plans the parties, the beerpong tournaments, the clubbing events, movie nights and so on. Without him we can’t decide what to do and when to do it. Once when he was sixteen he planned a clubbing event, which went great. He some how got drinks, rented out the place by himself, got a DJ and the bouncer all in a month.

Karla News

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