Categories: Parenting

Original Father’s Day Poems for Cards, Letters, & Sermons

Find a way to express your love and appreciation for your dad this Father’s Day in the original poems below. You will find ways to express understanding of your dad’s role, thanks for his hard work, and love just because he is your dad. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions with your dad this Father’s Day.

The Sculptor

Strong, calloused hands shaped my life:
By holding me when I cried,
By lifting me up when I fell down,
By pulling me through rough times,
By turning me in the right direction.

Integrity etched the fine lines of character:
By a stern “no” when my choices were wrong,
By wise guidance when I faced a decision,
By encouragement to get up when I was down,
By instruction that taught me how to live.

Love shaded the hues of personality:
By accepting me unconditionally,
By infusing life with fun and humor,
By introducing me to literature,
By teaching me to learn.

Thanks Dad.
~Lenora Murdock

Memories of Dad
Putting together toys on Christmas Eve
You knew we weren’t sleeping, you’re not that naive

Building Science projects I still don’t understand
Now, I laugh, because you’re giving my son a hand

Despite fights among sibling you drug us to Church
That fueled my desire for my Spiritual search

You said “no” when I wanted a “yes”
I admit your decisions contributed to my success

I got aggravated with early curfews.
I now realize things you already knew.

I had a few friends you said had to go.
You saw warning signs early, I guess I was slow.

Teaching me to drive you had a few fits.
I hate to tell you, my driving is still the pits.

Somehow we made until I was grown,
So why are there times I want to come home?

~Lenora Murdock

Father’s Day Comes Just One Day Year
One day a year we honor you Dad.
It doesn’t seem enough for all that you did.
You worked hard for the family, both night and day.
Your strong hand of guidance showed me the way.

Father’s Day comes just one day a year
But every day I know you are near.
My heart holds you closely. It always will.
Thank God the days are no longer uphill.

Father’s Day passes so fast,
There’s hardly time to reminisce about the past.
There’s so little time to tell you what you need to hear.
I’ll try to share it with you all year.

One day a year we honor you, Father.
An honor for Dads should be much longer,
For all that you sacrificed to keep us together,
Your contribution always matters.

Father’s Day comes just once a year,
For all that you’ve done I shed a tear.
You deserve to be celebrated every day and night.
For all that you’ve done, my life turned out right.

~Lenora Murdock

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