Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

Oh Sew Easy Sewing Projects for Beginners

Not too long ago it looked like sewing was going the way of many lost crafts and simply becoming just something our grandmothers once did. But like so many things these days, what’s old is new again and sewing is making a big comeback.

There are many sewing projects designed just for beginners wanting to explore. Most of these projects will consist of simple cutting and straight machine stitching and are intended to help the novice become familiar and comfortable with the materials and equipment used in sewing. A sewing machine can look pretty intimidating if you don’t know how to use it and most sewing projects for beginners are designed to help overcome this fear. You will notice that most very basic projects begin with a simple square or rectangle of fabric and with just a little folding and straight stitching, and sometimes a little stuffing, you have a completed item you made with your own hands and in the doing you have practiced some of the first steps in sewing.

A couple of very nice sewing projects for beginners are the scented hot pad and the drawstring gift bag. These are both very simple and as noted above begin with a square or rectangle of fabric. Just fold and stitch a straight line.

Scented Hot Pad

Probably the simplest sewing project for beginners is the scented hot pad. For this project you will need two 8″ squares of cotton fabric in your choice of colors, matching thread, two 8″ squares of cotton batting and a small amount of potpourri in your favorite scent.

With right sides together, align the edges of the fabric and sew three sides using a 1/2″ seam allowance. Turn right side out and press flat.

Place the two pieces of batting together and sew three sides using a 3/4″ seam allowance. Place the potpourri in the open end between the two layers of batting and sew closed. Trim batting close to seam allowance and stuff into the fabric square. Turn open edges under ½” and slip stitched closed.

Drawstring Gift Bag

Another great sewing project for beginners is the drawstring gift bag. First you need to decide the size of your bag. That is determined by what you plan to put in it so it can be any size you choose.

You’ll need a little more than twice your finished bag’s dimensions for your fabric as well as some cording or ribbon for a drawstring. Cut your fabric so that the width is the finished width plus 1/2″.for seam allowance. Fold the fabric in half with right sides together. The folded edge will be the bottom of your bag. Sew one long side of the bag from bottom fold to top. On the other side measure down ¾” and leave an opening in the seam wide enough for your drawstring and then continue closing the side seam. Turn the bag right side out and press. Fold the top under 1/4 “and press. Then fold down again ½” making sure the opening made for the drawstring is on the outside of the bag. Stitch the hem closed and run your cording or ribbon through the casing.

These are some very basic steps for just two of many sewing projects for beginners and once you make your first project you will see many ways to make variations in these ideas, using other fabrics and changing dimensions as well as adding all sorts of trims and embellishments. Once you learn the basics, the possibilities are endless, and it’s oh sew easy!

Karla News

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