Natural Ways to Get Rid of Warts

It is not known exactly what causes the sudden appearance of warts. According to Grandma Hazel, warts are the direct result of some type of virus or due to all the poison in our body forming together. I opt for the first cause, simply because trained medical personnel lean toward the cause being related to a virus. Although Grandma Hazel does not have a medical degree, she holds a degree in life long experience and common sense. This lady knows a lot of stuff.

To get rid of wars, once again, I paid a visit to the grandma’s for natural ways to get rid of warts. Back in grandma’s day over the counter remedies were just beginning to fill store shelves and going to the doctor for problems such as warts were just unheard of. They relied on products found mostly in their own cupboards.

Below are natural remedies to get rid of warts. Some remedies may work better than others; some may not work at all for you. If this is the case, move on to the next remedy, sooner or later, you will find one that works for you. Of course, there are lots of over the counter products, but before investing your hard earned cash try one of the following:

· Apply regular white chalk to wart for several nights. Break into small pieces and water to make paste. Generously apply to wart for six to ten days.

· Each morning put some of your own spit on wart.

· Poke a small hole in Vitamin E capsule and let contents ooze onto wart, gently rub into infected area. Repeat process daily until wart vanishes.

·. Leave on each night and remove in morning. Repeat process each night until wart disappears.

· Pick several dandelions, break the stems and let juice from stem drip onto wart. Should see results in five to seven days.
· Each morning rub the wart with bacon rind.



There are several different types of warts. The warts found on the soles of the feet in clusters are called plantar warts. It begins as a little black dot. Do not pick at it. Picking will cause it to spread. Just rub castor oil on it nightly until it’s gone. Sleep with clean white socks on. For some strange reason the socks must be white.

Karla News

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