Napkin folding or the art of napery can transform a table from nicely decorated into an elegant affair. The rosebud napkin fold is a perfect finish to a finely set dining table. Turning an ordinary cloth napkin into an elegant rosebud fold can be achieved in five steps.

When choosing table linens for the rosebud fold, consider using a quality damask cloth napkin. The double-weave damask is thicker than a cotton blend. It will better stand in the rosebud fold. Before you begin folding your napkins, be sure to lightly starch and iron each. Not only will starched napkins respond better to folds, but they will also repel some stains.

Step 1

Lay your napkin design-side down on a flat surface. Take the upper left hand corner and fold the napkin in half diagonally so the corner meets the bottom right hand corner. It will now be a triangle. Lightly iron the fold.

Step 2

Turn the triangle so the open point is facing away from you and the longest side is facing you. Fold the right side corner up diagonally to where the point meets the top of the center point. The open end of the fold should lie even on the invisible centerline of the triangle. Lightly iron the fold. Repeat this procedure with the side. Lightly iron the fold. The shape should now be a diamond.

Step 3

Flip the napkin over and keep the open end facing away from you.

Step 4

Fold the bottom of the napkin up about three-fourths of the way until it lies about two inches from the top. Iron lightly to set the fold. Flip the napkin over so the pointed end is still facing away from you.

Step 5

Fold or curl both so they meet in the middle and tuck one end into the other. Stand the folded napkin on end for the finished rosebud effect. If it is difficult to keep the points even, iron the napkin lightly.

Creating a rosebud napkin fold is easiest with a square napkin. A larger 20-inch-by-20-inch napkin works a bit better than a 17-inch-by-17-inch. Crocheted or lace napkins may not work with this fold style as they are not stiff enough to hold the folds.

Be sure to wash your napkins as soon as possible after use. Use a mild detergent and wash in a warm perma-
press cycle with a cold-water rinse. Treat any stains with a prewash stain remover. Using a fabric softener might waterproof the linens, so avoid these. As the sun will help bleach any leftover stains it is best to line-dry your napkins. If you choose to use the dryer, use a perma-press cycle for about ten minutes and an eight-minute cool down setting. Remove the napkins promptly after drying and lay flat if still damp.

The rosebud napkin fold looks beautiful on any special occasion table. Use it to add another level of elegance for holidays, weddings, specialty luncheons or even a romantic meal for two. The art of napery has never gone out of style. Embrace this art by using the rosebud napkin fold to enhance your next formal table setting.

Karla News

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