Categories: LIFESTYLE

Moe Joe’s of Clemson, SC Helps the Coffee Go Down Smoothly

The best of Clemson issue of “The Tiger” can be cause for quite an uproar among many readers who think that their favorite something didn’t get its due. One such business is Moe Joe’s coffee shop in Clemson, SC; which is a great place for coffee that was unfortunately beat out by the Microsoft-esque empire of Starbucks. Fans of Moe Joe’s, me included, laud its quaint atmosphere and delicious coffee (and sandwiches mind you). The problem is that some jackass who writes for “The Tiger” concocted a ridiculous (yet well written) story about Starbucks being the best. Unfortunately, I was the ill-fated author of that article, and this is my self-imposed rebuttal.

The main statement I would like to get across is, “Don’t kill the messenger.” I love going to Moe Joe’s for my little dose of caffeinated bean-extract heaven. Comparing a cup of their coffee to Starbuck’s blend of the same is like asking if someone would prefer a filet mignon of Kobe beef or a McDonald’s burger for the same price. So you have better coffee for the same price, which seems like a point for Moe Joe’s, but there is more. All of Moe Joe’s prices round out to be even numbers for coffee. None of this 3.87 crap that Starbucks dishes out is present. So the coffee is better for your wallet and your taste buds, and that is just the start.

Atmosphere is key to a successful coffee shop, and I know everyone loves hanging out in Bi-Lo and watching Fox News for hours, but Moe Joe’s may just be a little bit better. The coffee shop is always cozy and has a very neighborly feel. There is free wireless service (although don’t hog it if you aren’t buying anything, space is limited). Chess tables and comfy chairs await the always satisfied coffee drinker. You can always sit at the bar, gaze out on the downtown area and observe the people passing, or you can sit at the tables and strike up a conversation with one of the friendly staffers. The music played by the workers is usually very nice and great to study or hang out to, instead of Java City which has had a Maroon 5 CD with a mind of its own that refuses to ever leave the CD player. Listen, I understand that This Love will guarantee that She Will be Loved on a Sunday Morning, but how about I don’t hear the same songs being played in the library that infect the airwaves already on ever radio and TV music station.

Finally, just be a sport and support your locally owned places. Mr. Starbucks CEO won’t be crying tears of anguish if a few coffee drinking Clemsonites start paying the same amount to a different company for a better coffee. Not only will Moe Joe’s and the Anderson coffee distributor both be happy, but the head honchos at Starbucks won’t even take a break from swimming in their life-size, diamond-plated, coffee mug pools filled with 100 dollar bills to think twice about losing a few customers. The insanely wealthy will still remain disgustingly rich, yet Moe Joe’s will be personally appreciative. Let’s not let Starbucks do to coffee shops what Wal-mart has done to EVERYTHING.

Back on the subject of coffee, if you like good coffee, please go to Moe Joe’s. Forget what all of Clemson (and unfortunately I) said about Starbucks. I was so young and naïve back a month ago, and frankly, I had a lot of growing up to do. If Moe Joe’s has a line next time I go to get some coffee, I will be simultaneously excited and pissed off, because I mean, who likes lines anyways? After the coffee hits my belly though, all the anger will recede like Dick Cheney’s hairline, and all will be right in the world of caffeine and Clemson.

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