Categories: Crafts & Hobbies

Model Train Collecting

Many model collectors turn to model train collecting as a way to blow off a little steam, and take a break from the demanding realities of everyday life. Collectors often find themselves spending hours on their hobby and with great reason too: train collecting is fun, easy, and rewarding. It is important though, to have a basic understanding of train collecting before you plunk down a lot of money on this hobby. I don’t want to scare you off, but this hobby can cost a fair amount of hard earned cash, but there are ways to minimize your investment. It is also important to remember that you should build up your collection in increments.

First things first. You need to decide on what type of model trains you are interested in. Are you excited about steam locomotives? Do you enjoy 1970s-1990s diesel engines? One way to decide on the era you should focus on would be to think about the period of time that interests you most. Perhaps you were a child of the 1940’s where you remember watching those big steam locomotives barreling down the tracks. The important thing is to pick an era at the beginning and focus on only collecting those types of trains. It will help you greatly to have a refined idea of what interests you before setting out to buy your first locomotive.

Secondly, decide on the scale. Model trains come in many different scales, namely: N scale, O scale, and the most popular, HO scale. The HO scale is the most widely used and preferred scale for train collectors primarily because there are many kits and cars available at many different price points for HO scale.

Thirdly, decide how you want to collect the trains. Do you simply want to display them on your fireplace mantle, or do you want to actually build a fully functioning mini railroad city in your basement? Obviously, building a model railway is the best way to get the most out of your model trains, but it can also be the most costly. Simply displaying your trains can be a great way to start if you are on a limited monetary budget, and have limited time to setup a railroad city. There are plenty of resources available on the web about ways to collect model trains as well as model kit collecting too.

Lastly, it is important to note that many children are interested in model kits. They can be a good way to get your child off the couch and actively using his or her imagination to build something. Model train collecting and building teaches patience, refines fine motor skills, and engages the imagination. Grandparents often enjoy model railroad creation with their grandchildren… it is a way to bridge the age gap and to relate to grandchildren in an enjoyable way. Model trains truly do bridge the age gap!


Karla News

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