Categories: Food & Wine

McCain Smiles – Food Review

While food shopping with my youngest daughter recently she became very animated upon seeing McCain Smiles in the frozen foods section. She stated enthusiastically that she had eaten this product a friend’s house when staying for dinner one night and that she absolutely loved it. I am always on the lookout for new dishes that will elicit enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards eating so I decided to purchase this product and serve it for dinner without delay. This article will share my opinions on McCain Smiles.

For those of you unfamiliar with this product as I was, McCain Smiles are a frozen potato product side dish that contains a crispy outer shell and a mashed potato filling. The cute round shapes have a cutout of a smiley face that is certainly appealing to young children. The product is contained in a blue and silver freezer bag and displayed among the bags of french fries and hash browns in the freezer section of supermarkets. I initially paid $3.79 for the twenty six ounce frozen side dish which I found very reasonable. After my initial purchase I have seen the product go on sale for as low as $2.99 which is a wonderful sale price and a real bargain.

Preparation of McCain Smiles is extremely easy and fits in nicely within the confines of preparing a full and balanced meal. After preheating the oven to four hundred and twenty five degrees the desired amount of product gets placed on a cookie sheet and placed in the oven. After baking for approximately six to eight minutes the product gets flipped to the opposite side and baked for another six to eight minutes. Depending upon the heat of your oven, after twelve to sixteen minutes the McCain Smiles should have a golden crispy brown on the outside and a creamy smooth potato filling on the inside. According to the instructions on the side of the bag, McCain Smiles can also be prepared in a Deep Fryer.

Each three ounce serving of McCain Smiles contains one hundred and sixty calories with six grams of Total Fat. There is one gram of Saturated Fat in each serving with zero grams of Trans Fat, two grams of Polyunsat Fat and three grams of Monounsat Fat. There is zero grams of Cholesterol, two hundred and thirty milligrams of Sodium and three hundred and eighty milligrams of Potassium in each three ounce serving. There is also two grams of Dietary Fiber, two grams of Protein and six percent of the daily recommended value of Vitamin C in each serving. When compared to the fat and calories of the average bag of frozen french fries, this product certainly comes out ahead.

Overall I would rate McCain Smiles four out of five food stars. The creamy center allows this mashed potato lover to enjoy her favorite side dish without the work and mess. The crispy outer covering satisfies the french fry lovers without the added fat and calories. The ease and quickness in preparation allows all of the components of the meal to be ready to hit the table the same time. The inexpensive price keeps my food budget in check and ensures a little wiggle room for unexpected cravings or rise in prices. I enthusiastically recommend McCain Smiles to families looking for a side dish their children will love and a price and ease in cooking that parents will appreciate.

Karla News

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