Categories: Food & Wine

Marijuana Recipes: Pothead Pancakes

Nothing satisfies a potheads craving for “munchies”, like some sweets. But does your high really go away when you fulfill your craving? Well there’s no need to worry about that with this recipe, because not only will it fulfill your craving for sweets, it will get you stoned at the same time (probably give you the munchies again too). So what is it? Its “Pothead Pancakes”, and here’s how to make them.

Pothead Pancakes

Amount of Time to Prepare – 10-15 minutes

Items Needed: Your choice of pancake mix (other ingredients may be required such as eggs), or your own pancake batter recipe chocolate chips (many items can be substituted here), mixing bowl (preferably one that you can pour mix into frying pan), mixing spoon, frying pan (use as per instructions on pancake mix container), syrup (optional), and your “THC” Butter/Oil.

(For Information on How to Make “THC” Butter/Oil – Click Here)

This is one of the easiest marijuana recipes out there, as long as you have your “THC” Butter already prepared. The first thing you have to do is decide which pancake mix you are going to use (there are several different varieties at supermarkets). Remove your “THC” Butter/Oil from its storage location (should be kept in the fridge) and allow to sit at room temperature while the rest of the preparations are being made. Next take the mixing bowl and start to add ingredients listed on pre-mix packaging (that’s if your not using your own recipe), but instead of using the recommended oil/butter, use your “THC Butter/Oil in its place (I would also recommend adding something sweet like chocolate chips, it will help cover up the THC taste). Now mix all the ingredients to the recommended thickness, and pour into pre-heated frying pan on medium heat (you can also add a spoon full of the “THC” butter to the frying pan prior to pouring in the pancakes). The size of the pancakes that you make is up to you, but if you make them too big, they may be hard to flip over. After pancakes batter starts to harden enough that they can be turned, turn them over (you can repeat this process until pancakes are cooked to your liking). Once pancakes have finished cooking, spread some or your special butter over them, and add as many toppings as you would like (syrup, fruit, ice cream, chocolate, and whipped cream to name a few). The only thing you have left to do, is dig in…….

So the next time your thinking of making pancakes, use the Pothead recipe, and add some extra flavor with your favorite “THC” Butter/Oil. Because not only will you satisfy craving for food, you will get your dosage of THC, and get high doing so.

(For Similar Recipe for Mary Jane Waffles – Click Here)

More Marijuana Articles:
Are You a True Pothead? – Quiz
Top 25 Stoner Movies
How the Term 420 Began
5 of the Biggest Celebrity Potheads
Marijuana Strains: A Variety of Different Weeds
Knowledge of Marijuana Quiz
5 Munchies on Every Potheads List
5 Popular Locations for 420 Celebrations

Note: The use, possession, distribution, or manufacturing of marijuana is illegal in many places and at no time do I promote or recommend the use of any substance that is deemed illegal in a court of law.


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