Categories: Education

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Begin Studying the Night Before a Test in College

If you have a big test coming up don’t you dare start studying the night before unless you are so confident that you don’t need to take more time to study. Studying the night before can have very serious consequences and it can determine whether you will pass your test or not; which could possibly determine if you will pass the course or not. In this article I will talk about 5 reasons why you should not wait till the night before a test to start studying.

– You will be very tired
You can be very assured that if you leave the studying to the night before the test you will be very tired to do it and you might just decide to not do it at all or you will not have the ability to remember anything that you studied. If you are considering leaving the studying till the last minute, consider how tired you will be that day. If you can’t study on the days that you are given as much time as you want, break down the studying and do a little bit each day.

– There’s not enough time to cover everything
If you have a big test and there’s a lot of material that you need to cover you should also consider that it might not be a possibility for you to go through it all. If there are more than 3 chapters, a night will not be enough for you to learn everything on those chapters unless you already know most of what’s on there and if you’ve gone over it a lot of times before.

– You will not get enough rest
If you do decide to go through with all of the studying that you need to do for the test, you might not be able to get enough sleep as you will most likely not finish up till late and sometimes you have to be up real early to get ready and head to campus.

– Distractions will come up
If you think that you will not have anything or anyone bother you while you are studying the night before, think again. Distractions will come up for sure, no matter what, and that’s why you should not wait till that day if you can avoid it. Having distractions will make it hard for you to concentrate and you may have to get away from the studying for a while if the distraction calls for it. If this cannot be avoided, then you should consider placing a sign outside of your door telling people to not bother you, you should put your phone’s to silent, and you should get offline if you have messengers.

– You cannot afford to fail
This is the main reason why you should not wait till the night before a test to study; you can sometimes not afford to fail. If you know that this one test grade can determine your final grade for a class and you are not doing so good to start with then you should consider taking as much time as you can to study and not just study one day before. Studying one day before is almost like taking a chance on an unknown thing; don’t do it!

Karla News

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