Categories: Beauty

Makeup Tips for Women Who Wear Glasses

Just because you wear glasses doesn’t mean that you’re sunk in the makeup department. Trust me, I know – I wear glasses, too. Here are some simple tips and tricks that will make applying makeup easier when you wear glasses.

Makeup and Glasses: Begin with a Light Moisturizer
After I’ve washed my face, the very first thing I apply is a light, all around moisturizer. To provide extra protection against the sun and harmful rays, I use a moisturizer that is rated at least SPF-15.

It’s simple to apply. Take off your glasses, put a small dollop on your fingertips and apply to your face and neck. Be very gentle when applying the moisturizer around your eyes, using small, light strokes moving from the outside area in towards your eyes.

Makeup and Glasses: Select Easy to Use Foundations
In years past, I wore liquid foundations, with a light dusting of powder to set them, all the time. I found that liquid foundation always came off when my glasses touched my skin. That meant double trouble – streaky foundation and smudgy lenses on my glasses.

My liquid foundation has gone the way of girdles and corsets of the past – into the trash. Now I’ll only wear mineral foundations and blush. My face looks flawless and no one (but you) knows that I can apply my foundation and blush in less than a minute.

After opening the mineral foundation and dipping your brush in the powder, take off your glasses, close your eyes and brush, brush, brush, brush, brush the powder all over your face. Typically one application will do, but feel free to dip your brush into the mineral powder a second time if needed.

Mineral blush is easy to apply, and the good news is that you can put your glasses on so you can “see” your face when you’re applying it!

Makeup and Glasses: Easy on the Eyes
OK, this one is a bit trickier. How can you apply eye makeup if you can’t even see what you’re doing? Here’s a helpful tip: Lower your glasses to the bottom of your nose – have them on so you can see through your lenses, but lower them so there’s room to move your hand around your eye.

Have your favorite eye shadows and liners open and ready to grab at a moment’s notice. You’ll also need a mirror.

Lean your head back until you can “see” your eye in the mirror. Apply your favorite eye shadows and liners to get the look you’re aiming for. I love using a hand held mirror when applying eye makeup because I easily move the mirror as close to my face as needed, instead of leaning over the sink, trying to move my body closer to the mirror.

Makeup and Glasses: Choose Mascara Carefully
I’ve found that a very plain, no frills added mascara works best when wearing glasses. The brands that contain fibers are great for making my eyelashes look longer and thicker – but they’re hell on my glasses. Those little fibers always come off of my eyelashes, and stick to my glasses. So I don’t use type of mascara when wearing glasses.

Makeup and Glasses: Lipstick and Lip Liner are Always “In”
Whether you wear glasses or not, lipstick and lip liner are always “in!” Lip liner defines your lips and helps lipstick to wear longer. Remember to touch up your lipstick throughout the day because there’s nothing worse than seeing someone’s lip liner sans lipstick late in the day.

With these few tips and tricks, you’ll find that wearing makeup and glasses is as easy as 1-2-3! Now that you know my secrets, what are yours?

Karla News

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