Categories: Food & Wine

How to Grill Pork Chops

Grilled pork chops are a Southern favorite. But not cooking pork chops just right can leave you with a unflavored, tough piece of meat. This is a simple step-by-step guide than can help you to cook the perfect pork chop.

The first step in grilling the perfect pork chop is to pick out your meat. When picking out pork chops you need to place close attention to the cut of the meat and the amount of fat on each slice. Choose a pork chop that is cut lean but has a sufficient amount of fat on the outer edges. The fat on the pork chop is important in the enhancement of flavoring will grilling.

The next step is to marinate your pork chop. Start by getting a semi-deep dish and lay all your pork chops in the bottom. Sprinkle a meat tenderizer and salt onto the exposed side of the pork chop. I like to use white vinegar as my meat tenderizer. It breaks down the fibers in the meat making them more tender. Take your fingers and rub the seasoning into your pork chop until fully set in. Sprinkle oregano onto the pork chop and firmly pat and press the seasoning into the meat. When finished, flip the meat and repeat.

The third step is to preheat your gas or charcoal grill. Turn your grill on and let heat up to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Always let your grill burn off any leftover food residue to rid the grates from bacteria. Once you have reached the desired temperature, you will need to find your hot and warm spots on your grill. On a gas grill, turn one side of the grill off. If you are using charcoal, move the coals to one side of the grill. Your warm spot will be the side where there is not direct heat source.

Now it is time to grill your pork chops. Place your pork chops on the warm spot of the grill. Do not place your pork chops over direct flame or heat. This will cause the meat to cook to fast and possibly burn. Let your pork chop cook for 15 minutes then flip and cook an additional 15 minutes. To check to see if your pork chops are fully cooked cut a slit in the top and if the juices run clear, your pork chop is ready.

The last step in grilling your pork chop is to place your meat over the hot spot of the grill. Leave the pork chop on the hot spot for 1 minute on each side or until the outside turns slightly darker. Pull your meat of the grill and enjoy.

Some important tips to remember are to always cook your meat slow and on a low temperature setting. Cooking your pork chops too fast or on a higher temperature setting may cause the outside to cook faster than the inside and make the pork chop tough. Also, cooking your meat in a warm spot causes the seasonings on your pork chop to create an outer barrier on the meat that helps lock in the pork chops natural juices.

For more information on cooking pork chops visit the following websites:

Karla News

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