Categories: Diseases & Conditions

Liver Dysfunction Causes

The causes of liver dysfunction are several. The liver is such as vital organ in our bodies, and when it doesn’t function well, there could be a number of reasons for it.

Before we get into what some of these causes of liver dysfunction are, let’s look at the common symptoms of liver dysfunction.

A person with liver dysfunction usually has:

1. Your fats do not metabolize right.

2. You are experiencing gallstone problems or you are having irritable bowel syndrome.

3. If your liver is not working right, then it will not process many of your nutrients properly.

4. Blood glucose problems. The liver whether you realize it or not, is central to insulin processing.

5. The brain becomes foggy since food is not broken down in the right way. You become agitated and feel a depressive or angry state really easily.

6. Immunity is weakened. If the liver is being challenged in certain ways, it will not be able to help the body rid itself of infections.

7. Hormonal problems will likely ensue since the liver not only controls insulin, but also is a regulator of the thyroid hormones. Hormones such as the testosterone and estrogen also become abnormal in their secretions.

Other symptoms that will show when the liver is not performing correctly are halitosis, (bad breath), very itchy skin, brown spots on the skin, bad body odors, and jaundice.The face may also appear very red and flushed all of the time.

So this is the picture of the great number of symptoms that can all happen when the liver isn’t working right. Now, let’s move forward and investigate the causes for liver dysfunctions.

Common causes of liver dysfunctions are many. I will cover some of the main ones.

Certain metabolic disorders will create an unhealthy liver. This can be diabetes, too much weight gain, and overly high lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides. These things tend to create a lot of fat around the liver. Fatty liver is the term for this dysfunction.

Too much alcohol. People that are alcoholics or consume alcohol a great deal, are very likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver which is very serious.

Any type of tuberculosis infections, and other problems such as cystic fibrosis or other digestive issues can create an unhealthy body environment for the liver.

Medications of some types can damage the liver. These medication types include antidepressant/anxiety pills, steroids such as prednisone, and some of the anti-inflammatory drugs.

Working around chemicals such as pesticides have a high risk of causing liver dysfunction.

Overuse of Vitamin A can hurt the liver seriously. But this is only if multiple daily doses of Vitamin A are taken.

Bad diets. A diet that contains a lot of fatty foods and many types of the refined carbohydrates can over time, affect the liver.

Chemotherapy drugs are very damaging to many body organs as they work to kill many types of cancers. One of the main targets of body damage from these powerful drugs is the liver.

Watch out for herbal remedies. Many of these are liver-damaging and can create an environment for liver dysfunctions. Before you try ANY herbal remedy, study it well and ask your doctor.

So keeping good liver health all boils down to foods we eat and limiting the consumption of alcohol.

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is so essential to your health and liver health. By eating at least 4-5 servings from these two groups a day, you will surely help to prevent liver damages and dysfunction.

Karla News

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