Categories: Decorating & Design

LCD Tea Lights Vs Candle Tea Lights

You cannot stand the smell of scented candles, but you would like the glow of a candle burning? Or, you cannot stand the smell of when a candle is blown out? How about, you like the smell of scented candles yet, your partner does not? Well, I have the solution for you. GE has these LCD flickering tea lights that are the ideal solution.

I was at Michael’s craft store when I saw these LCD tea lights. I also saw them at Target. I consider this as the perfect solution for my household because my husband does not like scented candles, however, I do. I started thinking of all the advantages of these LCD tea lights.

There are several advantages of using the LCD tea lights rather than the candle burning tea lights. First, and most importantly, LCD tea lights are safer than candles. This is especially helpful if you wish to set a soft mood in a room, but you are concerned with safety due to having small children or pets nearby. With these lights no one gets burned. The LCD tea lights are also cool burning and cool to touch. That is especially important when it comes to children. And if they were to be knocked over, they do not break because they are plastic. I do not have small children anymore, but I do have two cats that like to walk on my kitchen counters. This is where I normally keep my candles burning. With the candle tea lights, I have to make sure they do not knock them down if they started chasing each other, which is a common past time of theirs. So now, with my LCD tea lights, it is no longer a dilemma.

Also, I find with candle tea lights they have a tendency to have poor wicks so you end up throwing it out because you cannot light it. You do not have to be worry about wasting your money on a dud candle tea light. With the LCD there is no wick to light. You have a steady flickering light.

If you are a romantic at heart and desire to surprise your spouse with a little ambience of many candles being lit at the same time, it so much easier to use the LCD tea lights. You just click them on from the bottom. You do not have to keep checking if one burns out before you see them all lit. And the results are the same.

Sometimes the candle tea lights do not last long because of the wick being too short. Or a small wick creates a low flame which defeats the objective of lighting tea lights. When I light several tea lights at once I like to have the same size of a flame to create that subtle soft look in a room. With the LCD tea lights you have 100 hours of constant burning. There are no troubles with inconsistent wicks. There is a convenience factor too. If you have several candle tea lights that you burn together, there is always one or two lights that will burn down before the others. With the LCD tea lights you do not have that problem.

They can even be used as a night light. You can leave the LCD tea lights unattended. That you cannot do with any candle for obvious reasons. There are replacement batteries for the LCD so you can reuse them.

The LCD tea lights are also great for craft projects, center pieces, mantels and more. You can place them in flower bouquets for a whimsical look.

The cost for an average carton of 10 candle tea lights is around $1.99. The cost of these new LCD tea lights for a package of 6 is $2.99. For me, I won’t be using candle tea lights any more. These GE LCD tea lights are an excellent replacement.

Karla News

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