Jude Law’s ‘Dom Hemingway’ Weight Gain: More Bad News for Big Soda?

You can add one more certainty to that whole death and taxes thing: Jude Law is never-ever!-going to be chosen by the folks at the Coca-Cola company or any other made of sugary sodas as their spokesperson. What a difference a year makes. The twelve months that made up 2012 featured spectacular feats of weight gain and weight loss by actors both famous and unknown. Anne Hathaway proved that you actually can win an Oscar by going on a drastic diet for a role. Hugh Jackman proved that you can lose weight and bulk up for the same role and not have it pay off.

Here we are in March of 2013 and we’re finally just now getting our first big story of actor reinvention.

About that Coca-Cola thing? The actor in question is Jude Law. The movie in question is “Dom Hemingway.” The weight in question is roughly 30 pounds. And the Coke in question is Law’s reply to how he packed on the poundage.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Jude Law attributes his 30 pound weight gain to downing ten Cokes a day. What rumors of Anne Hathaway’s drastic weight loss did for radishes and hummus, Jude Law’s revelation of how drinking non-diet soda may do for, well, diet soda.

The legend of weight gain among Hollywood stars commences with Robert DeNiro’s tour of European pasta restaurants in his remarkable effort to transform his body from that of a middleweight boxer in his prime to that of a middleweight boxer gone to pot. Robert DeNiro set the standard for bodily transformation both in terms of bulking up and in terms of fattening up. When we think of actors packing on flab, we automatically think of food. Jude Law’s story may be a game changer.

As well as one that fits in with the temper of the times. After all, Law’s revelation that sugary soda was integral to his transforming from a lean pretty boy to a flabby middle-age schlub is making headlines at just about the time that New Yorkers are going to be forced through executive action to give up their Big Gulps and other supersized containers of Coke…and Mountain Dew…and Red Bull and the list goes on.

Coincidence? Or is Jude Law part of a vast conspiracy against the soda industry? Probably the former, but don’t be surprised to see a movie based on the latter at some point in the future. Or even a documentary ala “Super Size Me.

Karla News

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