Categories: Pets

Is Your Cat Spoiled?

Is your cat spoiled? No, I don’t mean, “Do you feed your cat on a silver platter?” though that certainly would constitute a “spoiled” cat in many people’s eyes. If your cat is spoiled, you will answer yes to one or all of the following questions, does your cat get to eat off your countertops? Does he or she beg for food from you or your houseguests? Or does your kitty trample on your computer keyboard or behind your CPU?

Read on to find out about the most common behaviors spoiled cats exhibit as well as how to deal with them.

Begging: Cats may naturally beg for food when you are eating. However, when you consistently give your cat food from the table, he or she will learn that it is okay to beg for food. Some houseguests may not find this behavior “cute” the way you do.

The best way to discourage begging for food from yourself and other houseguests is to refuse to feed them while you are eating. You may also deter them with sprits of water when they come near you to beg. If you do not mind your cat’s begging, you should check with your houseguests to make sure they are comfortable with your cat’s behavior. If they are not comfortable with it, be courteous and keep your cat in a separate room while you and your guests are eating.

Getting in to unwanted places: Cats are generally curious creatures. None of us should be surprised if we find our cats lurking behind the sofa or hiding in the dryer. However, your cat may be spoiled if you allow him or her to go wherever he or she pleases without consequences. Not only is this behavior inappropriate, it can be dangerous.

For instance, if your cat hides behind your CPU a lot, he or she may get the idea that it is okay to try to chew the electrical cords. Or if your cat hides in the dryer and you forget to check to see if he or she is in there before you start the dryer, not only may your kitty be hurt, cats have been known to die due to being inside tumbling dryers.

In order to deter your cats from getting onto specific surfaces, such as countertops, you may want to line the surface with double-sided tape. Cats generally do not like sticky surfaces. Some cats are also disturbed by crinkling sounds, so you could try to cover your counters with foil to deter him or her from jumping onto them.

In order to keep your cat out of specific places such as the dryer, you should keep the door to the dryer closed. If your cat enjoys walking on your keyboard, you could discourage him or her from doing this by removing your cat when he or she performs this behavior. Your kitty will eventually learn that you do not want him or her to walk on your keyboard

Biting: Some cats are born with an aggressive nature to them; however after being spayed or neutered, most cats become less aggressive and gentler. When owners play with their cats aggressively, however, it teaches your cat that it is okay to bite. If your kitty learns it is okay to bite, he or she may injure you or others who visit your home.

Promote non-aggressive play by using cat-appropriate toys to engage your kitty. Fishing pole toys are a great way to stimulate your cat while teaching him or her that it is okay to chew on the toy, but not on human flesh.

If you have a spoiled cat, don’t worry. You can implement changes to improve your cat’s behavior. Use the strategies discussed in this article to get started and consult your veterinarian if you need further assistance in training your cat.


Karla News

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