Categories: LIFESTYLE

Is Prostitution Legal in the United States?

Forget about Hollywood Madame Heidi Fleiss, or any of the copycat “entrepreneuresses” who have come along after her. These infamous women were known for keeping Little Black Books that were literally overflowing with names of famous men. They have argued that men have quietly been enjoying the “private company” of women for many years, further making the claim that they were only offering for a premium what millions of women offer to the same men for “free.” The madames might have a point; the relationships between famous, successful men and the women they are surrounded by often seems like nothing more than glorified prostitution.

“The Johns

If you watch rap videos, it is quite evident that the stars of these videos are really the scantily clad ladies. These women shown bouncing and gyrating stand in long lines for the honor of having their posterior prominently displayed front and center. Karrine Steffans, former video girl outlines the details of the behind the scenes action in her tell-all book, Confessions of a Video Vixen. Her story presents the sordid details of all the explicit sexual favors she has provided to literally dozens of entertainers. Steffans’ justification for doing so was to receive prominent positions (pun intended) in the rap videos she was featured in. Ultimately, these prominent roles equate to substantial amounts of money and exposure (pun also intended)-which can lead to more money.

Rappers and athletes are expected to have a bevy of beautiful women to choose from at social engagements. No one ever stops to think about where these women come from, or how they came to be in the presence of the rich and famous. But what is understood, is that the company of these ladies comes with a “price.” That price may not be monetary (although sometimes it is). But the silent arrangement revolves around the idea that the most desirable women in the world make themselves available simply because the perks are too enticing. Being treated to free liquor, free trips, free gifts, and/or VIP status is all in a day’s “work” for many of these young women. It is ironic that the same rappers and entertainers who boast about their masculine prowess, are the very ones who are paying top dollar for the company of women. Ultimately, there is no difference between the man who pays a prostitute on the street, and the one who pays his whore not-so-discreetly in the public eye.

Why It’s Legal…

To label these exchanges as prostitution might seem a little harsh. But this is only because we live in a society where women are encouraged to “use what they’ve got, to get what they want.” In strip clubs, exotic dancers are paid to provide a fantasy for the patrons. In the “Champagne Rooms” of these strip clubs that fantasy often becomes reality, although the activities taking place in there are kept hush-hush. The same idea applies to the world of “legitimate” entertainment. The reason that the activities of the stars, athletes, and groupies isn’t called prostitution is because the world has bought into the idea that access to friendly, exotic women is part of the package of being a celebrity. This may be true. And while every beautiful woman seen on the arms of entertainers is not selling herself, the average groupie lining up to gain entry to the hottest celebrity parties is secretly hoping for a shot at “instant” financial success. With this understanding, it is extremely easy to blur the lines between dating and blatant prostitution.

The Double-Double Standard…

To say there is a double standard where women and men in the entertainment industry is concerned, is a gross understatement. It is expected that athletes and rappers will be surrounded by beautiful women. As a matter of fact, one’s professional status is sometimes equated with the amount of prowess he has. But where men are praised for this prowess, the objects of their pursuit (the ladies) are seen as objects to be played with until they become “dirty.”

There is also another double standard that is rarely publicly acknowledged. Women of color like Karrine Steffans are often viewed as the scourges of society. There are no famous black “Heidi Fleisses”; and if there are, the public never hears about them. Judging from what is portrayed in the media, it appears that the non-black women are the ones who are viewed as most desirable by successful celebrity men. Celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton, who have admitted to having a string of lovers, continue to grace the covers of magazines. They are seen as wild and adventurous because their behavior is usually glamorized by the media, whereas women like Karrine Steffans are just regarded as “ho’s.” Many will argue that groupie activity and the world of prostitution are completely different. But it is essentially society’s tendency to manipulate labels that makes one acceptable and the other illegal.


Karla News

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