Categories: Parenting

Indoor Summer Activities for Kids

The summer can be a great season for children. They enjoy going outside and playing through out most of the day. But sometimes the weather becomes a little too hot, and going outside is not the best idea. You want your child to stay inside so that they remain cool and healthy, but your little one wants to go out and play. So why not come up with a few summer related activities for your child to do while they are inside of the house. This includes setting up a pretend beach or fishing area, working on summer crafts, or watching summer related movies.

If you want to plan something fun for your little one, then here are a few ideas for indoor summer activities for kids.

Pretend Beach.
If it is too hot to go to the beach, help your little one set up a pretend one right inside of the house! Set up a beach blanket or beach chair in the living room, with a few beach toys nearby! If you do not mind the possible mess, you can set up a small pool or sandbox in the kitchen (or another room without carpet). If you do not want to set up a small pool or sandbox, allow them to just play with a bucket of water or sand. Allow them to play in their bathing suits and have hotdogs, juice, or ice cream handy for a snack!

Pretend Fishing.
You can set up a pretend fishing area in addition to the pretend beach, or as a substitute. You can find toy fishing rods and fish in various stores for affordable prices. Place the pretend fish in a bucket of water and let your child see how many fish he or she can catch. You can even join them in this fishing adventure! When you have caught all the fish, move on to the next fun activity or put the fish back in the bucket and start all over again!

Summer Crafts.
Another fun idea would be to set up some summer crafts for children to do. Decorate foam visors with stickers or make beaded sunglasses straps, then wear them the next time you go out in the sun. Make paper flowers using warm summer colors (such as red, yellow, and orange). Smaller children may enjoy creating the sun using a paper plate, yellow crayons, and yellow Popsicle sticks. You can also use craft supplies to make fun insects, such as a caterpillar. Let the children be as creative as they would like. When you are done, you can show off your summer crafts to the world.

Summer Movies.
Sit back, relax, and watch a few summer movies together. There are many family-friendly movies to choose from. The movies include The Little Mermaid, Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown, The Parent Trap, Now and Then, and Surf’s Up. Serve a few snacks and juice, and enjoy the movie in your comfortable home.

Planning out a few indoor activities is a great way to keep your child out of the hot sun while still giving him or her something fun to do. Your child will be able to go back outside again in a day or two, and this will keep them happy while they are inside of the house. Your little one may even decide to skip going outdoors to work on a fun craft or pretend fishing trip. Be sure to join in on the activities with your child. Your child will love spending time with you and you can both enjoy the summer season without going outside into the heat.

Have a great time planning out the indoor summer activities for kids. Your child will enjoy being able to have fun while still keeping cool.

Karla News

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