Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

How to Use Lavender in Your Home and Kitchen

Lavender is an amazing plant with many medicinal and non-medicinal uses. One of the earliest uses of lavender was by the early Romans who used it for bathing due to its aromatic scent. In fact, lavender means “to wash” in Latin. Of course you enjoy the sweet smell of this plant, but may not have had the opportunity to use it. Here are some ideas for using lavender in your home and in your culinary creations::

How to use lavender: Potpourri

It’s easy to create fragrant lavender potpourri. Simply gather lavender flowers along with leaves from a variety of other fragrant herbal plants and mix them together. Add additional fragrant spices, if you wish, and a few drops of lavender oil. Package your potpourri into small sachets or potpourri containers. Place sachets in your drawers to keep your clothing smelling fresh.

How to use lavender: Add flavor to your salads

Lavender has a long history of being used by chefs in the preparation of food. One of the best uses of lavender is to add the fragrant flowers to a salad You can also incorporate lavender into chicken salad to add an additional element of flavor. Lavender also makes a delicious ingredient for a salad dressing when combined with honey, mustard, lime, garlic, balsamic vinegar, and olive oil. The gorgeous purple flowers will add an element of unexpected beauty to any salad preparation

How to use lavender: Lavender tea

A delicious lavender tea can be made by adding one and a half teaspoons of the flowers to a cup of warm water. This tea is known to be a great stress reliever and helps to promote relaxation and sleep.

How to use lavender: Add a fresh scent to your clothing

Not only does lavender add a delicate scent to clothing, it also helps to ward off moths. Hang sachets of lavender in areas where you’re storing your clothes for added scent and moth protection. You can even add a bag filled with lavender flowers to your dryer when drying clothing.

How to use lavender: Make lavender sugar

Lavender sugar is an elegant touch for a tea party or other festive occasion. To make it, blend a cup of sugar with 3 tablespoons of lavender flowers using your blender or food processor. Serve with tea or use in baking.

How to use lavender: Make lavender butter.

Lavender butter adds an elegant touch to hot, freshly made scones. To make this gourmet delicacy, combine lavender with salt, pepper, chives and add to softened butter. Add a few drops of lemon juice for additional flavor. Roll the butter mixture into a cylinder using aluminum foil and refrigerate until firm.

Be sure to always use lavender that hasn’t been sprayed with pesticides to avoid exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. As you can see, the uses of lavender are many and varied. Why not discover the potential uses of lavender in your own kitchen?

Karla News

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