How to Reduce Lower Back Pain in Five Minutes a Day

There are many types of lower back pain that are caused by a variety of physical conditions. Regardless of the cause persistent lower back pain often reduces your productivity and quality of life thus it is important to investigate ways of eliminating or reducing the problem. One common condition is spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is where a nerve emanating from the spinal column in the lower back is compressed or irritated by a decreasing space in the spinal column. This leads to lower back pain and often pain in the lower extremities. For conditions like this, an exercise program is often prescribed to strengthen the stomach and back muscles thus supporting the spinal column better and alleviating the pressure. In some cases the swelling of the irritated nerve may reduce leading to a permanent reduction in back pain. An exercise program is far preferable to surgery and should be considered as an option.

The problem with many exercise programs is that they either require too much time or are very strenuous thus leading people to abandon them before the benefits can be realized. Often you may start an exercise program with good intentions but when you don’t see results quickly you get discouraged and abandon the effort. The exercise routine described here is easily accomplished in 5 minutes a day at a very low activity level. When done every day over a period of time the stomach and back muscles are gradually developed and your back pain may subside. This is not a ‘quick fix’ program and the results may be so subtle that you are not aware that your pain is gradually subsiding. You should be skeptical of exercise or other alternative methods that promise instant results.

As with any exercise program when there is a physical ailment present, it is imperative that you get the prior approval of a physician knowledgeable about your personal health history and situation. Note that these exercises are meant to be done slowly. If you experience undue pain while doing this exercise regimen, stop immediately.

1. Get down on all fours and place your arms slightly in front of you. While keeping your back parallel to the floor lean forward out over your arms as far as you can without getting off balance then return to starting position. Repeat this slowly 20 times.

2. While in that starting position lift your right arm straight out simultaneously with raising and extending your left leg parallel to the floor behind you. Repeat slowly 5 times then do the same with the left arm and right leg.

3. While still on your knees place your forearms and elbows on the floor next to your legs. Next bend your head down and tuck it towards your knees until your forehead touches the ground and hold it for 20 seconds.

4. Roll over on your back and lay flat. Now use your two arms to grasp the front of your right knee and pull up to your chest holding it there for 20 seconds. Repeat with the other leg again for 20 seconds. Finally pull up both legs, holding them together for 20 seconds.

5. Grasp your two hands behind your neck interlacing your fingers. Now lift your upper torso trying to primarily use your stomach muscles rather then your arms to lift yourself up. Go as far up as you can and lower yourself down to the floor slowly. Do this 10 times leaning to the right, 10 leaning to the left and 15 pulling straight up the middle.

6. Again with your hands clasped behind your head lift your legs slowly off the floor and raise them together as high as possible, hold for a moment and then lower slowly down. Repeat 10 times.

7. Laying on your back, with your legs straight out and arms to your side contract your stomach muscles and try to force the small of your back down to the floor eliminating the typical naturally occurring arch. To judge how your stomach muscles are doing you may want to push your fingertips in on your stomach just above your hipbone and feel your stomach muscles tighten when you do this. You also can get some judge of how you’re doing by trying to get the back of your knees to touch the floor if they don’t already do so. Contract your stomach muscles 20 times.

8. Sit up cross-legged and lean as far forward as you can for 20 seconds. You should feel a burning sensation on the front of your leg above the knee.When done faithfully for five minutes in the morning every day, this low stress level exercise program will build your stomach and back muscles. This, in turn, will provide greater support for your spine and may relieve compression pressure on nerves emanating from your spinal column which may help reduce lower back and extremity pain, especially in cases of spinal stenosis.

Karla News

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