Categories: AUTOMOTIVE

How to Keep a Bandana on While Riding a Motorcycle

More and more women are riding motorcycles, and many women who ride motorcycles have long hair. A number of states have helmet laws, and when a helmet is worn, the hair doesn’t become tangled on top of the head, but in states without helmet laws, not everyone chooses to wear a helmet, and tangled hair is a definite problem.

Women with long hair who ride motorcycles have problems keeping their hair from becoming extremely tangled. Even when secured with a hair tie, all of the hair doesn’t stay secure, and the hair ends up massively tangled. Bandanas are hard to keep on, and not all tangles can be combed out without causing irreparable damage. After time, the hair becomes increasingly damaged, and aside from the damage, anyone who rides knows it’s no fun brushing out tangles.

Short of using staples and super glue, there is no way to keep a bandana on without ever having to eventually readjust it, but there are tricks to tying a bandana so it won’t blow off your head. I struggled with tangled hair and loose bandanas for quite sometime before I discovered a way to tie it on so it won’t completely come off while riding.

Try the following method of tying a bandana so it stays on when riding your motorcycle. Your bandana will stay on more securely, and when your bandana stays on, tangled hair isn’t a problem.

Folding Your Bandana

Part of the problem why bandanas won’t stay on is because of the size. When folded in half, a bandana is barely large enough to cover the forehead as well as the back of the head. If the bandana isn’t low enough on the forehead, it eventually works its way up and comes off in the wind.

Instead of folding your bandana exactly in half, fold it about an inch shy of being an exact half. Make the triangle larger, and you’ll be able to wear the bandana lower on your forehead. The more material covering your head, the more likely the bandana will stay on.

Tying One On

Tying one on won’t keep a bandana on your head, but tying a bandana on properly will. If you have long hair and have problems keeping a bandana on your head, you’re probably not tying the knot below your ponytail.

After folding the bandana as instructed above, wrap it around your forehead, just above your eyebrows. Bring it around the back of your head, and before tying any knots, tuck in the “wings” on top. While scooting the bandana down on your forehead, tie the ends of the bandana above your ponytail. Don’t make a second knot. Tie it as you tie the first knot when tying a shoe. Flip the ponytail up, and while firmly holding the ends of the bandana, tie it once again in the same manner, beneath the ponytail. Finish tying the bandana by making the second knot that will keep it from coming undone. You might require a little assistance holding the first knot in place before tying the one beneath your ponytail.

Even if the bandana eventually works its way up after riding in a strong wind, it won’t completely come off before you can grab it. I’ve had a lot more luck keeping my bandana on when tying it as instructed above, and I’m no longer bothered by tangled hair.



  • Visit the Harley Davidson website for the latest in Harley Davidson bandanas and head gear. ; is a website dedicated to women motorcycle riders. If you ride your own, check it out.
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