Categories: Pets

How to Introduce Your New Dog to Your Cat

Dogs and cats make great pets, however, it doesn’t always work out well having both of them living in the same house. Sometimes the two can simply not live together. So how do you introduce a new dog to a cat that you already have in your home in an attempt to have them under the same roof? It may not be an easy process, and it will take some time but it will be worth it to be able to keep both animals and still have peace in your home.

If the dog or cat has lived with the other species before, then there is a better chance that things are going to work out because they are already aware of each other and have been around each other before. If you have one species that has never lived around the other, the process may take a bit longer. Either way, patience is needed to make sure to introduce them properly.

Situations you want to be aware of before hand are if the cat is declawed, sick, old, or is still a kitten. The cat has less of a chance to be able to defend itself to the new animal in the house and has more of a chance of becoming injured or killed. Even if the dog doesn’t mean it intentionally, he could get overly anxious during play. If the dog is excessively aggressive and possessive, sick, old, has injured or killed before, or doesn’t listen at all when it is told to do something these are some situations where it may not be best to have him around a cat. During these situations, you may want to think twice about having the two species cohabitate.

For the introduction process, make sure the dog is tired. He is less likely to be excessively playful and more likely to be relaxed. Put both animals in a room with the cat able to walk free and the dog on a leash. The dog should be on a short leash so you have control in case the dog doesn’t listen to you or becomes overly anxious or aggressive, but let him have some room to walk around. This way both animals can see each other fairly close, get each others scents, but not be anywhere near each other yet. Make sure to have tons of treats on hand for both the dog and the cat. Give a huge amount of praise to both animals so that they aren’t jealous of the other over your attention. Do this several times a day for a few days. Be aware of the reactions of both of the animals.

After a few days, put one dog in one room and the cat in the other with a baby gate in between. This way, both animals are already somewhat familiar with each other and can have a little more leeway as far as viewing each other and getting to know each other without yet being able to have any body contact. They also have the ability to touch noses through the gate, but have no other contact. Every once in awhile, give both of them treats to reward them for good behavior that they didn’t try to get to the other. Give lots of attention to both animals, but also give them time to do play with their own toys and do their own activities. At the same time, be very aware of the actions that are happening between the two and don’t leave them alone in this situation. When you feel more confident that things are working well, you can move onto the next step.

Allow both the dog and the cat to be in the same room for periods of time out of the day, with you staying in that room, without the dog being on a leash or having a gate separating them. Do this several times out of the day for ten minutes at a time. Slowly increase the time after a couple of days and keep increasing it by five to ten minutes at a time until you can be confident that they can be in the same room together. It is better to take this process slowly so that neither animal feels as though they should be threatened and the cat doesn’t feel like the dog is trying to take over its territory. There’s no harm in backtracking a bit or taking even longer. It’s worth it to make sure they both get along. Continue to monitor their reactions to each other. Again, make sure to have treats on hand and give both animal lots of individual praise and attention when they are in the room together.

Even after you feel confident enough to leave both animals in the same room together, do not leave them home alone together in this situation for awhile. If you have to leave them alone, keep them separated.

Just be aware, as disappointing as it is, that there are situations where the animals simply will not get along together and it will not work out.

It is wonderful to have dogs and cats as pets but it is even better when both can live together peacefully under the same roof.

Karla News

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