Categories: Parenting

Ten Basic Table Manners

Manners are so important. Too many people and too much of our society have placed proper etiquette coupled with essential table manners not just on a back burner, but completely left it off the stove! How many times have you been in a public restaurant to enjoy a lovely dinner out with friends or family only to have that dinner disrupted by unruly children at the next table? Or uncouth fraternity boys being too loud at the bar? Your child invites a friend over for dinner, that friend has impeccable manners, and you realize you were lacking in the teaching of proper manners to your children. Oh my, you realize you could be one of those families at a public eatery that you wish would just leave.

A necessary “job” as parents is to instruct our children on manners. Moreover, receive a refresher course for ourselves as well. Good manners never go out of style and frankly in today’s society good manners are a nicety from which we all could benefit.

With that in mind, here is list of some basic table manners. Enjoy.

1) Chew with your mouth shut. We all know this; we have all heard it as well as said a multitude of times. Could it be because it is the simple most important table manner to execute?

2) Do not be overly loud or a chatter hog at the dinner table. If you feel a sneeze or cough coming, turn your head away from the table and cover your mouth.

3) When a serving dish is brought to the table, place the amount of food desired on your plate and pass to the right.

4) No playing at the table. One day a friend, her infant son and I met for lunch. I played ball with him across the table while she had gone to the buffet-you know to entertain him and keep him from CRYING as he was in the separation anxiety stage. I was engaging in play at the table and that was not a good example to promote! We joke about it now, as her son has wonderful manners, but she was adamant about manners being important enough to start in infancy.

5) Soup is not a noisy food. Eat it quietly and use the side of the spoon.

6) No elbows on the table. Mabel, Mabel if you are able, kindly remove your elbows from the table. How many times did my sister and I hear that while growing up? To our dismay, not near the number of times, we say it to our children.

7) No eating food with your fingers. It is a difficult one to learn because so many of children’s food are eaten with fingers. French fries, pizza, chicken wings, chicken nuggets, bread, tacos, etc. Another good reason to start feeding children healthier meals. (So did not happen in my home- finger foods are quick!)

8) Sit up straight and no slouching at the table. Not only will better manners be had, but better posture as well.

9) Place your napkin on your lap and keep it there unless you are using it to dab at your face. Do not crinkle them up and toss them onto the table. Once you are done eating, the napkin can be placed on top of the empty plate.

10) Please do not just get up and leave without excusing yourself. If your cell phone rings, please excuse yourself and get up from the table to converse with the caller. Better still, turn the phone off prior to dinner and enjoy being with the people present.

The single most important table manner of all? Say Please!


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