Categories: Food & Wine

How to Grill a Perfect Flank Steak

Grilled steaks are an American classic and are the centerpiece of many a BBQ. Flank steak is one of my favorite cuts, because it delivers great beef flavor at a low price. However, it can be a little tricky to grill, because it is easy to overcook. Due to its low fat content and prominent grain, it becomes tough and nearly inedible if cooked past medium rare. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it right!

First of all, make sure the meat is at room temperature. Throwing cold meat on a hot grill will make it seize up, toughening it. Also, it will be more difficult to get the steak to cook evenly if the meat is cold or frozen in the center. Also, make sure the grill is hot – very hot. The key to keeping flank steak tender is to sear it quickly over high heat, so you must start with a hot grill or grill pan.

The next step is seasoning. There’s no need to get fancy with marinades or spice rubs (unless you want to), but ALL steaks need to be seasoned generously with salt and pepper. I like to rub flank steaks with a little olive oil, then salt and pepper both sides heavily. The salt will bring some of the meat’s juices to the surface and help to form the brown crust that is the hallmark of good grilling.

Once the meat is seasoned and the grill is hot, it’s time to start cooking. Flank steak is a relatively thin cut, usually about 3/4″ to 1″ thick in the center and slightly thinner on the ends. The natural shape of the meat makes it possible to cook the ends to a medium doneness while the thickest part stays rare, so you can please various palates with one steak. Place the meat on the grill and do not touch it for 3 minutes. Use a kitchen timer if you must, to keep from moving the meat. If you move the meat at all, it will not form that delicious brown crust. After 3 minutes are up, turn the meat over and cook for an additional 3 minutes on the second side, again without moving the meat. Provided that your grill was hot enough, this should give you medium rare on the ends and rare in the middle. If you prefer it a little more done, increase the cooking time on each side to 4 minutes. Do not cook past medium rare, or the steak will be tough.

The last step is actually the most critical. When the meat is done, remove it from the grill and place it on a cutting board. Allow the meat to rest for at least 5 minutes before slicing. I cannot stress the importance of this resting time enough. If you cut into the meat when it’s hot off the grill, the juices will all flow out onto your board and you’ll be left with a very dry piece of meat. Allowing the meat to rest enables the juices to redistribute themselves through the meat, resulting in a juicy and succulent steak. When the meat has rested, determine the direction of the grain – in flank steak, the fibers run along the length of the steak, and you will want to cut across the grain, in thin slices. Cutting thinly across the grain gives you short fibers in each slice, resulting in more tender meat.

Grilling a flank steak may have given you trouble in the past, but with these quick tips, you’ll never go wrong. Bon Appetit!

Karla News

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