Categories: Shopping & Fashion

How to Get Coupons from Companies

Surprisingly, getting coupons from the company, or manufacturer, themselves is pretty easy. As long as you stay polite, and go about it the right way you can find yourself with coupons that are much more valuable then those in a newspaper.

Why Ask?

When manufacturer’s send you coupons because you request them, you often get higher value coupons than those in the newspaper or online. I often get coupons for FREE products, and sometimes even gift certificate type coupons to spend on any of their products I choose. Along with the higher value coupons, many will send average coupons along with them. These coupons usually have longer expiration dates as well.

Who To Ask?

Whether you’re a couponer or not, looking at coupons is a great way to start. Even if you don’t clip coupons, look through them and contact those companies. Obviously those are companies that already send out coupons so they are likely to mail you some if you ask.

Also, think of your favorite products and ask them. It’s a good idea to walk around your house and see products you normally buy, or products you want to buy but are too expensive, and contact those companies. Any company is worth a shot.

What To Say?

This doesn’t have to be lengthy, but try to say more than a couple of sentences. I usually start out by telling them how much I love their products. Then state specific products, or a product, that you like, and why you like them or how you use them. At the end, politely ask for coupons, and then thank them for their time. You’re more appealing if you take the time to tell them which one of their products is your favorite, as opposed to just saying you love everything. Do you make their food for movie nights or family dinners? Which flavor of their ice cream or cake is your favorite? Why do you love their shampoo more than other brands? Saying a favorite flavor is more useful to them, because they like hearing what their customers like best.

Being polite is key. The person reading these will appreciate “I was wondering if you could send me some coupons?” more than “Send me coupons.” Use appropriate grammar, spell check, and AVOID “internet” or “texting” language (i.e. ‘” saying plz, instead of please; wanna, instead of want to; or LOL). Sound professional and appreciative.

Where To Ask?

I always send my requests online. Most companies will have a “Contact Us” area, or something similar, on their web site. In these areas there will be name and address sections, as well as a Comments section. Use the comments section to talk about their products and ask for coupons. Asking online allows them to receive your request quickly, and it’s easier to read and respond to.

You can also usually send it via mail, and sometimes even fax. I prefer online because it saves money with stamps, envelopes, and paper; and also allows me to contact multiple companies in a fraction of the time. You almost always have to provide an e-mail address where they will send coupons on top of the ones they send in the mail. I set up a separate e-mail account just for this purpose.

How Long Will It Take to Get My Coupons?

Each company varies. I have gotten some within 1 week, while other take 2 or 3 weeks

Keep Track!

I keep a list of companies I have contacted. This way I’m not re-asking, and I can keep track of which companies respond. I mark off a company when they respond and write down the coupons I received.


Karla News

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