How to Fix a Broken Heart

“You are so Broken…”

If this is how you are feeling and you do not know how to heal, do not give up, you are not alone. We all have suffered from these depressing feelings. The question is, how does one truly heal a heart so terribly filled with pain? Furthermore, how does one keep from staying up throughout the night, believing that his or her life is over with? Yes, I know you are probally thinking right now, that the concept of “true happiness” is out of the picture. However, from my own personal experiences, you CAN fix your broken heart. You CAN be happy again. And I have 5 ways to help you overcome the pain that is buried deep inside of your heart, because I truly know how difficult it can be to heal a heart that is so broken.

1. Keep Friends and Family close.

This is truly important because the people who care about you the most will understand what you are going through. They will be a shoulder for you to cry on and lift you up when you are down. And if you do not have anyone close to talk to, there are plenty of groups online as well as groups locally, where you can find people who have the same problems as you and will help you get through this pain.

2. Keep yourself Busy.

Idle minds can lead to worrying too much about your broken heart, which in turn, will eventually make yourself extremely depressed. Read, write, or watch your favorite movie or television show. Also, make sure you do not watch movies that are tearjerkers and will have you crying throughout the night. This is very important because at this time in your life, your heart does not need anymore pain.

3. Go to Places that are Lively and Entertaining.

If you enjoy sports, check out a basketball or baseball game live with a friend or family member. If you enjoy going out to the movies or watching a play, you should do this as well. Remember, nothing depressing. The exciting atmosphere that will surround you when you go out, will help you understand that it is okay to have fun and be happy again. Furthermore, maybe you will meet someone who will not break your heart.

4. Never Turn to Drugs or Alcohol

Even if you want one drink at night, these drinks or abusive drugs will eventually turn you into a addict with a broken heart, and this will not help you heal your heart. If you ever have this feeling, exercise instead to let the pain out, even if it’s a few situps or pushups a day.

5. Tell yourself “It is MY Heart and I Can Take it Back.”

A good friend of mine once told me this when I was trying to heal my broken heart. It is your heart and no one controls it but, yourself. This is extremely important. Tell yourself these special words everyday when you wake up and go to sleep at night, and even throughout the day.

A broken heart is extremely difficult to heal. In time, you will find your way and be happy again. Do not give up and remember to talk to friends and family members that truly love you. Also, remember that you are not alone. One day you will find that special person who will not break your heart and you will forget that you were in so much pain.

Karla News

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