How to Avoid a Heel Spur

There are many recommendations on how to treat a heel spur but prevention will help you avoid all the pain and inconvenience of this all too common health problem. One of the first suggestions that many people give is to lose weight, but a lot of people that have a heel spur are not overweight. In fact, many athletes and those who work on their feet all day develop this painful health problem. Dealing with a heel spur is very painful so learning how to avoid one will make all the difference.

Ways to Avoid a Heel Spur


One of the most important ways to avoid a heel spur is to stretch as often as you can. The best time to stretch is right before you get out of bed. If you are able to spend a couple of minutes stretching each leg before you step out of bed to run for the bathroom, this will help stretch the ligaments in your legs from shortening all night while you slept. If you do have to run to the bathroom first, make sure your next duty is to stretch those tightened ligaments to help avoid a heel spur.

If you sit for your job, your breaks should include time to stretch your legs. Taking just a couple of minutes to stretch can make a lot of difference when trying to avoid a heel spur. If you walk or stand for your job, your breaks should include time for stretching and sitting. Sometimes breaks are short so be creative and learn where you can squeeze in a couple of minutes to stretch those ligaments.

Don’t Walk Barefoot

If you are prone to developing a heel spur, it is not recommended that you walk around without shoes on. This includes walking in your house. If you are one who takes their shoes off before entering your house, you can help avoid a spur by having a dedicated indoor pair of shoes. For those who tend to have flat feet or high arches, walking around barefoot will be an invitation for a heel spur to develop. Learn to also avoid wearing flip flops or other shoes with no support.

Shoe Supports

Wearing arch and heel supports in your shoes is another important way to avoid a heel spur. If you tend to walk on your heels, a good overall shoe support added to your shoes can really help avoid a bone spur. In addition, if you can afford a good pair of shoes that have plenty of inside and outside support for your feet, developing a heel spur may be avoided. Ordering custom made orthotics specifically for your shoes is another option to help you avoid a heel spur. Insurance usually does not cover orthotics. These cost several hundred dollars when ordered through your doctor. If you can afford them, they can make all the difference in having a heel spur and trying to avoid one.

If you already have a heel spur, try this treatment:

Take a sports bottle (water bottle) and fill it with water almost to the top (leaving about an inch for the water to expand). Place the water bottle in the freezer and wait till it freezes completely. Take the frozen water bottle and roll it on the floor with the foot that has a heel spur. Roll it back and forth for a few minutes with the foot that has the spur. Using this technique not only helps to stretch the ligaments in your foot but it also helps reduce the inflammation and strengthens the area. You can also do this with a can of veggies, fruit, soup etc. Just place the can on the floor, sit on the edge of your bed, and roll back and forth. Using this method can also help to avoid a bone spur in the future.

For more information on “how to” topics like this and others please visit here.


Foot Minders.

Personal experience

Karla News

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