Categories: Parenting

How I Got My 9 Week Old Twins to Sleep Through the Night

“To schedule or not to schedule”

This is the question asked by every new mother. As soon as my twin girls were born and placed in my arms I knew it would break my heart to ever put them down and heaven forbid, to let them cry. I learned in my parenting classes that it important that a newborn feels the security of the parents so they really can not be spoiled by being picked up for the first six months. My husband and I were happy to sacrifice a full night’s sleep to get up for middle of the night feedings. I was glad to know that I was producing enough breast milk for two babies and they were getting the hang of latching on, even if that meant I wouldn’t sleep for more then a two hour stretch anytime of the day. Sure every few days I would get so tired I needed help caring for the babies in the afternoon so I could pass out from exhaustion. When they were 8 weeks old I attended my local moms of multiples meeting. When they saw the dark circles under my eyes and heard that the babies were still rooming in with us they became very concerned and recommended the book “On Becoming Baby wise.” I was a little skeptical and knew that there was no way that I could dare let my precious little babies cry themselves to sleep for up to 45 minutes like another mother had suggested. Up until that point I had only been told to feed on demand to help keep up my milk supply for each baby.

I came home from the meeting only to find my husband completely wiped out from trying to soothe two very cranky babies. This continued while I got the night shift. It was only then that I understood how a mother can listen to her baby cry herself to sleep; she is fed, clean and even though she is exhausted, she is too restless to soothe herself to sleep. That night I knew something had to change and this marked the end of rocking my precious newborn babies to sleep ever so peacefully.

“Never Wake a Sleeping Baby”

Said by your old Aunt Mary, that’s just what this advice is, OLD

“On Becoming Baby Wise” teaches a new mother to use the PDF (Parent Directed Feeding) method. This theory states that parents need to tell their children when to eat, play and sleep beginning at birth. Once a feeding schedule is in place, the rest of the day’s routine falls into place. Because babies need to know how to put themselves to sleep incorporate a feed-playtime-sleep schedule. Newborns need to eat every three hours so I looked at our routine we already had in place and incorporated a firm 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 7:00pm, 10:00pm and two middle of the night, 1:00am and 4:00am feeding schedule. This even meant waking a sleeping baby so she does not miss a feeding. By the fourth night of this schedule both babies put themselves to sleep by 8:00 in the evening. After two more nights, I decided to only feed when the babies wake, and to my surprise I was able to sleep until 6:00am.


Tracy Hogg is the “Baby Whisperer”; in her book she teaches the E.A.S.Y. method to putting your child on a routine. Eat- It all begins with a feeding schedule, every three hours around the clock in the beginning. Activity- This includes diaper changes, playtime and bath time. Sleep- It is very important that a child does not learn to use a bottle or the breast as a crutch to fall asleep. Again, it is crucial that a baby learns early on to soothe herself to sleep. Your time- as a new mommy I found out quickly that I can enjoy my children more when I am able to have a few minutes to myself throughout the day.

Bath, Bottle, Books, Bedtime

We had found out the first week home from the hospital that our babies slept better after a bath, so we use this to our advantage and bathe early in the evening. Which led to feeding time then we relax with reading a few books then lay the drowsy but not sleeping baby in her crib. The important thing is that we took a look at what we were doing RIGHT and continued with what worked for us.

Listen to Your Instincts

Like any other new mother I have gotten a ton of well-intended advice to how to cope with bringing a new little person into my home. Some of it I have taken, like when my pediatrician told me to let the babies cry for no more then ten minutes without checking on them. Some of it I haven’t, such as adding cereal to their bottles before they were ready. I know my babies’ cries and I know when they need me. What I would tell any new mother is to enjoy these precious days with your baby but you will know when the time is right when you need to establish a routine for a good night’s sleep. Stay calm and do not underestimate your maternal instincts.

My Babies are now 4 months old and are continuing to sleep through the night. It is such a great sense of satisfaction when I place them in their cribs at 8:30 each night knowing that I am giving them one of the greatest gifts from a parent, a good night’s sleep. I am rewarded in the morning with two happy, smiling, energetic babies ready to take on the day.


Karla News

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