Categories: Diseases & Conditions

How Candidiasis Can Mimic Lyme Disease and Be Seriously Misdiagnosed

In one study, published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers examined 788 patient previously diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Lyme disease is usually contracted by getting a tick bite. Out of all the patients examined, only 23 percent actually had active cases of the disease. Another 20 percent had previous cases of the disease but at the time we experiencing other conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia. That leaves 57 percent of patients who did not have Lyme Disease at all.

So what, pray tell, was the problem? Candidiasis: the chameleon disease. Candidiasis is the systematic overgrowth of the ever-present yeast, Candida Albicans, through out the body. This disease causes a huge list of symptoms, some of which mimic Lyme Disease nearly to the tee. Some of the these symptoms include fatigue, headache, depression, joint pains, fibromyalgia, abdominal pains, insomnia, rashes, flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, and difficulty concentrating. Just like those actually with Lyme Disease.

Candida is present in or on everyones body, but it is usually confined to the large intestine. However, when an over growth takes place everything is thrown out of whack. How does this happen? The typical suspects are usually steroid drugs, birth control pills, and hormone therapy. These substances alter the natural state of your intestinal flora, allowing the yeasts to proliferate. But probably the worst offender of this is the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are indiscriminate. They kill both the ‘good’ and the bad bacteria. As strange as it may sound, our bodies need good bacteria to function properly. Without the good bacteria, Candida Albicans can establish colonies outside of the intestines. Each cell has what’s called germination tubes that hold yeast spores, which burst out of the tubes and spread throughout your body when they reach maturity. These yeast spore feed on sugar and carbohydrates. It is believed that the long term effects of Antibiotic use can last months if not years down the road.

Unfortunately when someone is misdiagnosed with Lyme disease, the treatment can make their condition worse. Patients believed to have Lyme disease are given Antibiotics. Antibiotics will not only be ineffective in treating the symptoms, they will most likely compound the problem, as you can imagine.

There are three things that you can do to help restore the natural micro flora in the body if Candidiasis is the problem. First, eat plain (non-sugary) yogurt with live cultures. I know it sounds kind of odd to eat something with “live” anything in it, but yogurt has acidopholus which helps maintain gut micro flora levels. If yucky, plain yogurt doesn’t suit you, you can pick up L. acidopholus/Lactobacillius bifidus, otherwise known as a Probiotic, at your local health food store. They have higher concentration levels than yogurt and are, in my opinion, much easier to stomach. The second thing you need to do is AVOID sugar like the plague. I know, I know… much easier said than done. But it’s absolutely essential. Since Candida feeds on sugar, you’re just adding fuel to the fire if you eat it. And lastly, limit the products that contain yeast. Besides the obvious of breads and other flour based products, you’ll also want to limit mushrooms, brewer’s yeast, beer, and wine.

Stabilizing the body’s level of micro flora is actually just one group of things required to help cure this disease. If diagnosed properly, some Dr’s may want to implement a drug therapy protocol of some strong anti-fungal drugs such as Diflucan or Nystatin. As with any prescription medication, there can be serious side effect and risk factors involved, so be sure to consider these factors. Fortunately there are some excellent all natural compounds that can be just as effective anti-fungals found in any health food store.

The first is Oil of Oregano. This is a very powerful anti-fungal agent. A couple of drops under the tongue a few times a day and POWWWEEE, it kills that yeast like mad. The next is Goldenseal. It encourages the growth of friendly bacteria and also inhibits the proliferation of Candida. The next is caprylic acid. It also inhibits Candida growth. Garlic supplements are also strong anti-fungals. So is pure Apple Cider Vinegar w/Mother (not the grocery store kind). These types of natural therapies can be taken together if the condition is very serious or rotated individually. The length of treatment depends on the severity of the problem. Some people see things clear up in a few days others require months of continual aggressive treatment. Unfortunately, as the Candida begins to die, you might actually feel worse for a little while, but this is a normal reaction called a “healing crisis”.

The bottom line is if the Dr is telling you have Lyme disease and you have not been bitten by a tick, get a second opinion. There are specific blood tests for both Lyme disease and Candidiasis. Be sure you know what you are dealing with. If in doubt, if would be safe to attack it as if it were Candidiasis and see what happens. You just might get better! Whatever happens, don’t give up until it’s gone.

Karla News

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