Categories: Parenting

Homemade Cures for Diaper Rash

Homemade Cures for Diaper Rash

Almost every child suffers from diaper rash at least once before they are potty trained. And, while your baby is suffering from this painful condition, you’ll be suffering right along with them.

Fortunately, there are many home remedies that can help ease the pain of diaper rash, and eventually clear up the condition all together.

Diaper rash occurs because most babies wear diapers almost constantly. These diapers hold in moisture and heat. And diaper rash thrives in a moist, hot environment. So, the drier you can keep your baby’s bottom, the better. Check your baby’s diaper often. As soon as they soil the diaper, change it immediately.

• Try not to use soaps or baby wipes to clean your baby’s bottom. These products are often too harsh on irritated skin, and contain perfumes and other things that can irritate the skin even more. Instead, gently rinse your baby’s bottom by holding them near the tap.

• Oatmeal is a popular home remedy for many ailments, including diaper rash. Add oatmeal to your child’s bath water. Let them soak in the water for ten two fifteen minutes. Continuously swish your hand through the water, to keep the oatmeal circulating.

• Dry the baby’s skin completely before applying a new diaper. Use a towel to gently pat, rather than rub, their skin dry. Even after using a towel, it might be advisable to wait a few minutes before applying a diaper, to make sure your baby is completely dry.

• Let your baby go without a diaper for 20 or 30 minutes two or three times a day. (Longer and more often, if possible.) The fresh, dry air will help to heal diaper rash.

• You want the baby’s bottom to be dry, but you also want to keep it moisturized. Before applying a new diaper, apply petroleum jelly to the diaper area. Not only will it moisturize your baby’s skin, it will act as a barrier between the skin and any wetness trapped in the diaper.

• Applying vegetable oil is another way to keep your child’s bottom moisturized.

• Cornstarch is a great home remedy. Create a paste by mixing cornstarch and petroleum jelly together. Then, apply the paste to the diaper rash.

• Add about one teaspoon of vinegar to one cup of water. Use a cotton ball or soft cloth to apply to your babies behind.

• Use cornstarch in place of talcum powder.

• Use diapers with a high absorbency. Super-absorbent diapers pull moisture away from your baby’s skin.

• Hydrocortisone cream can help to soothe the inflammation caused by diaper rash.

Super-absorbent, disposable diapers are best for a child who has diaper rash. But, if you use cloth diapers, here are some tips.

• Use gentle, hypo-allergenic, perfume-free laundry detergents.

• Rinse cloth diapers twice, to get out as much soap residue (which can cause more skin irritation) as you can.

• Add a cup of vinegar to the water during the rinse cycle.

• Don’t use plastic or rubber diaper pants. They will just make the diaper area even hotter, as well as holding in all of that moisture.

Remember, there is no guarantee these home remedies will work. And, if the diaper rash hasn’t cleared up within 4 or 5 days of you starting these remedies, consult your pediatrician. But, chances are, you’ll find that these home remedies provide a welcome relief for you and your baby.


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