Categories: Movies

Funny “Easy A” Movie Quotes

“Easy A” is a 2010 comedy starring golden globe nominee Emma Stone. The following are some humorous quotes from the film which was written by Bert V. Royal.

Google Earth Easy A Quote

This line is from the opening of the film where Emma Stone’s character is talking about how invisible she used to be.

Olive: If Google Earth were a guy, he probably couldn’t find me if I was dressed up as a ten story building.

George Easy A Quote

This line was part of a funny scene between actresses Emma Stone and Aly Michalka. George was the name of the guy Olive said she went on a date with.

Rhiannon: George is not a sexy name. George is like what you name your teddy bear.

Lyrics Easy A Quote

This was part of a funny bit from the film involving a Natasha Bedingfield song.

Olive: It feels like I got a love and it’s all mine.

Protection Easy A Quote

Marianne (actress Amanda Bynes) is the religious girl who is judging Olive for having sex.

Marianne: I just hope you had the good sense to use protection.
Olive: Why? Your parents didn’t.

Public School Easy A Quote

Principal Gibbons: This is public school. If I can keep the girls off the pole and the boys of the pipe, I get a bonus.

Principal’s Office Easy A Quote

The mother’s reaction to Olive being sent to the principal’s office was funny because it’s in opposition to how many parents would react and to the actual reason.

Olive: I got sent to the principal’s office today.
Rosemary: Oh, did you win a medal or something?!

Love Easy A Quote

The sarcastic bit of pop culture references by Emma Stone’s character was amusing in the movie.

Rhiannon: Aren’t you suppose to be eternally in love with him?
Olive: Yes, I believe so if I was a gossip girl at Sweet Valley High of the Traveling Pants.

Gnome Easy A Quote

This movie line was in response to her gay friend’s reaction to Emma Stone’s character removing her underwear.

Olive: What do you think I have down there, a gnome?

Freak Flag Easy A Quote

Mrs. Griffith: Let your freak flag fly. Just make sure you have an exit.

Divorce Easy A Quote

Olive (to Marianne): …Sometimes our boyfriend’s parents get divorced, and the important thing to remember is it’s not your fault.

Sharpest Christian Easy A Quote

Mrs. Griffith: He’s not the sharpest Christian in the Bible.

Wizard Easy A Quote

Olive: Is there a minister around… a reverend… a wizard?
Woman: It’s a pastor.

Hell Easy A Quote

This scene of dialogue between Emma Stone and actor Fred Armisen involving the existence of Hell was one of the most funny parts of the movie.

Pastor: How can I help you today?
Olive: I was just wondering what your church’s stance on lying and adultery was?
Pastor: It’s not a good thing.
Olive: Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. But then, now tell me this, assuming there is a Hell…
Pastor: Oh the Christian church recognizes the existence of Hell.
Olive: Ok, so we’ll just say there’s a “Hell”…
Pastor: There is. Just so we’re clear.
Olive: Ok, for argument’s sake…
Pastor: No, there’s no argument, it’s there. Right below our feet. Right above the Orient. It’s there.

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