Foods for Thought – Four Foods to Help Increase Your Brain Power

Your brain is one of the most important organs in your body. It’s your hard drive that runs the rest of the system. What many of us do not realize, is that certain foods that we eat can actually damage our brain. Eating an excessive amount of sugar and fats can cause damage and interfere with your brains ability to function.

That’s not to say that you have to completely give up sugar and fats however. Our brains are actually mostly made up of fats and they do require glucose, from carbohydrates, as a source of energy. The problem most people have, is not picking the correct sugars and fats that are good for your body. Fortunately for us, with just four simple food choices, we can adequately provide our brain with what it needs to keep it performing at its best.

Dark, leafy greens contain folic acid that helps the brain by breaking down homocysteines. Homocysteines have been linked to problems such as dementia and cognitive decline. Folic acid may also help to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s as well. Dark, leafy greens such as Swiss chard, kale and spinach can all help us to keep our mental dexterity as we age.

While eggs have come under a great deal of scrutiny during the past few years, they are a great source of brain food. Eggs are high in choline, which is essential for brain development and memory functions. Eggs are also a source of protein, minerals and vitamins necessary for proper brain function.

Many of the berries that nature provides also help to improve brain power. Blueberries and strawberries help supply your body with antioxidants that help protect your brain against free radical damage. Berries can also help to improve your short-term memory abilities. Berries provide a natural, safe glucose for your brain and body unlike the refined sugar that most of us ingest on a daily basis.

Some fish are also wonderful for providing a brain boost. Fatty fish, such as herring, sardines and salmon, help our bodies in many different ways. These fish are jam packed with Omega-3, a fat that our brains just love. This fat helps to keep cells in our central nervous system lubricated and running smoothly. Omega-3 fats have also been shown to reduce inflammation in our brains. This inflammation is often one of the key factors in brain disease.

Our brain relies on us to feed it the good stuff so that it can function at it’s best for us. Since we rely on our brain to keep us functioning, don’t you think it’s worth the very best?


  • Source Magazine, June/July 2007
Karla News

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