Categories: HEALTH & WELLNESS Housecleaning Tips with Heart

It is such a joy to live in a clean house. However for many years – despite my best efforts – and regardless of all of the housecleaning tips I had acquired, I never felt like I was doing a good job of keeping my home clean. And I constantly felt guilt about it. Then I read about in a housekeeping forum. The poster was raving about how the housecleaning tips on that site had changed her life.

Is too good to be true?
Was I supposed to believe that there was a free, life changing website full of housecleaning tips right at my fingertips? Skeptical but desperate I went to hoping to find a housecleaning tip or two to help me overcome my mounds of clutter and built-up dirt. But what I found instead was a way to think more positively about myself and my abilities.

On the site I immediately signed up to receive the daily emails. When I opened the welcome letter from Flylady it was evident that it was written by someone who has also battled the guilt associated with feeling like an inferior housekeeper.

Who is this Flylady?
The founder of and Flylady herself is Marla Cilley, a formerly defeated Homemaker. But she learned to love herself and apply some practical systems and housecleaning tips to get control of her home, instead of her home controlling her. You can read her personal testimony at Now she freely shares her housecleaning tips and life philosophies that will work for anyone who is responsible for maintaining a home.

Which housecleaning tip do I start with?
One of the things that I find the most helpful about Flylady is that she understands that if your home is in a state of chaos then you are probably overwhelmed and do not have a clue where to start. That was certainly the case with me. So makes the process easy by starting you out with baby steps. Each step is just making one simple change in yourself or home each day for just 31 days.

Others will notice a difference.
I went through the 31 baby steps and there was a dramatic change in my home before I even completed the process. My husband told me that our home was looking cleaner and he even perceived a positive change in my attitude. We both started to feel comfortable about inviting company over because our home was beginning to stay in a perpetually clean state. Once I felt established in the daily routines and housecleaning tips that I learned in that one month period I started going to and applying some of the techniques to achieve an even more detailed cleaning of my home.

Do first things first.
But don’t even think about that just yet. First go to and sign up for the daily emails. You’ll receive several of them throughout the day which will offer words of encouragement and motivation or give you housecleaning tips with step-by-step instructions. Then you can begin to get yourself and your home on the right track. And don’t worry about the current state of your home. On the website and in every email you feel that Flylady is speaking to you personally when she says, “you are not behind! I don’t want you to try to catch up; I just want you to jump in where we are. O.K?”


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