Categories: TECHNOLOGY

Fixing Your Computer After a Crash and Preventitive Techniques To A Healthy Computer

This is something that has happened to many people from time to time. But what exactly can you do when your computer crashes, and your funds are low? Well obviously you can not go out and buy a new computer, which is the first thing that many people will tell you. But fortunately there are now many computer specialists who will travel to your home in order to troubleshoot and fix your computer problem. One such service is provided by a company called “The Geek Squad” which can be found at . They troubleshoot and fix dozens of computer problems on a daily basis. The best thing about this service is the cost is not bad at all. Before they even start fixing your computer they will inform you of exactly what it wrong with it. They give you a rough estimate of how much it will cost and you can decide if it is worth waiting to save up the money to buy another computer or paying them to fix the one you have.

When it comes to any information you may have had on your computer you can definitely expect to lose all of it. Whenever a computer crashes your information usually gets wiped completely off of the memory. The other good thing about using a service to come to your home and fix your computer is that they should be able to tell you exactly what caused your computer to crash in the first place. Nine times out of ten it will be because of a hacker who found a way to get into your computer via the internet. Once a hacker is inside your computer’s memory they will slowly destroy it to see what personal information they can steal from you. If this is found to be one of the reasons that your computer crashed then once it is up and running again or when you are able to get a new one you should take the time to install a good anti hacker program. These are programs that are specifically designed to keep hackers out of your computer. When you get your computer fixed you can ask them about these types of programs and they should be able to tell you exactly where you can purchase one. Don’t worry they usually are not that expensive. Especially since it will keep you from having to pay someone to fix your computer again.

It is also possible that you visited a website that had viruses on it. If you have not type of virus protection installed on your computer then you can expect your computer to crash on a regular basis. Unfortunately the bad thing about the internet it that they have dozens of viruses on just about every website that you visit. It really is hard to get away from them. The key to keeping your computer from crashing on a regular basis is to make sue that you have the right protection for your computer.

Karla News

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