Fit Feet: The Importance of Proper Foot Care

The summer months are just ahead, and most of us are planning to bare our feet to keep them cool during the warmer temperatures. There are many reasons we should take care of our feet, for they are the foundation that we stand on, keeping us mobile in our everyday lives. We want our feet to look good, feel good, and smell good. No one wants bad smelling feet with dry cracked heels, bunions, calluses, or ugly fungal infected toenails. This reminds many of us that we should take better care of our feet.

Calluses are common, can be painful, and unattractive. Calluses are formed because of pressure and friction caused from a repetitive action such as a bare foot scraping against the inside of a shoe. If you have cracked heels, or calluses, some suggestions would be to use a good callus reducer or callus cream every day, and in a few days your feet will look and feel better. You can soak your feet before you use a good callus reducer, then follow the directions on the bottle and file the heels as suggested. Items such as callus reducers and creams are not recommended for people who are diabetics. I would suggest seeing your doctor for treatment if you are a diabetic.
Of course, bunions and calluses are a year round problem. Although bunions are more prevalent in the winter when we are wearing closed shoes, you could still get them even though you are wearing looser fitting shoes. Bunions are hereditary, and you are especially susceptible to bunions if your parents had them. Combine heredity with shoes that fit improperly, and chances are, you will develop them. Some non-surgical options that may relieve the pressure and pain are to wear roomy shoes that provide plenty of space for your toes, and also control the amount of movement in the rear of the foot. Wear roomy shoes that provide plenty of space for your toes, and also control the amount of movement in the rear foot.
For painful bunions and calluses, try Acetaminophen (Tylenol). You can also use ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) for relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Soak your feet in whirlpool baths for relief from pain and inflammation. Wear orthotics to help control excessive movement of your foot. This will alleviate symptoms and prevent bunions from getting worse. It is recommended that both men and women use a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15 on top of their feet. The skin on your feet is just as susceptible to melanoma and basal cell carcinoma as the skin on the rest of your body.
A majority of females take better care of their feet than the male population. We are often changing our shoes, and have more fashion quotas to meet, therefore taking measures to keeping our feet healthy and looking pretty. Women should know their pedicurist. She should be sterilizing her instruments with an autoclave. An autoclave is a pressurized device that heats items above the boiling point to achieve the same level of sterilization that is used in an operating room. Many pedicurists only sterilize instruments using blue light. This doesn’t do an effective job because any dust, dirt, or grease that may have accumulated on the lamp blocks microorganisms from the direct light exposure necessary to destroy them.

Many people have a fungal infection in your fingernails or toenails. You should see your doctor if you suspect you have an infection. By looking carefully at your nails, your doctor might be able to tell if you have an infection. A fingernail or toenail infection that is caused by a fungus is called onychomycosis (say: “on-ee-koh-my-ko-sis”). Toenails are more likely to become infected than fingernails. Anyone can get a fungal nail infection, but most common among people over 60 years old, and most common in people with diabetes and circulatory problems. Children hardly ever get nail fungal nail infections. There are several medications to treat fungal nail infections. Your doctor will decide which medication is right for you, and how long you should take it. If you often wear heavy boots that make your feet warm and sweaty, a fungus can grow around your toenails. If you walk barefoot in locker rooms, you are most likely to get a fungal nail infection. You can pick up a fungus from the warm wet floors.

There are several things to do to take care of your nails if you have a fungal nail infection. Always keep your nails cut short and file down any thick areas. Don’t use the same nail trimmer or file on healthy nails and infected nails. Bring your own nail files and trimmers from home if you have your nails professionally manicured. Change your socks when they are damp from sweat, or if your feet get wet. Wear 100 percent cotton socks, and make sure you put on clean, dry socks each day. You can use an over-the-counter foot powder inside your socks to keep your feet dry. Wear shoes with support and wide toe area, and never wear pointed shoes that press your toes together. Avoid walking barefoot in public areas, such as locker rooms.

There are a variety of shoes for both men and women, to keep our feet breathing and comfortable. Use good judgment with summer footwear. Sandals are a hit for most of the population, especially during the summer months. Most shoe stores and department stores carry sandals, and I’m sure there are plenty of sales going on right now. Flip flops are great poolside, but they present a danger to your feet if you wear them all day long. They don’t provide any support, and they cause your toes to grab the ground, which results in muscles being used improperly and friction that cause calluses.

Sandals should fit properly. The straps behind the heel can cause friction, which cause calluses to form, if they are too tight. Moleskin can be used inside the sandal to prevent friction, if you don’t wear socks. Drugstores carry moleskin for your shoes. Sneakers are a must have and are activity dependent. For example, a running shoe has front to back support, while an all-around hybrid shoe designed for walking or running has a “roll bar” that absorbs motion in the front of the foot as well as any pressure. This stops the toes from bending up as much.

Women who wear high heels should insert an over-the-counter product called “Foot Petals” into your high heels to prevent injury to the ball-of-the-foot and heel. These cushions are shaped like flowers and are virtually invisible when they are inside your shoe. They are made of a fiber called “poron” which is used to make the custom shoe inserts that podiatrists create. .

A foot massage is very helpful for relaxing the feet. Ask your partner to give you a nice foot massage. It will not only do wonders for your feet, but it will also go a long way in keeping your relationship happy too. Remember to pamper your feet as much as possible, to keep your feet looking and feeling great all summer long.

Karla News

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