Categories: LIFESTYLE

Father’s Day Quotes for All Dads

Father’s day quotes and their meanings help put our relationship with our father, stepfather or grandfather in perspective. That one important man that has guided us through our lives deserves to be recognized not only on Father’s day but everyday of the year.

Not all fathers are created equally and you may have more than one important male influence in your life but the following Father’s day quotes apply to a variety of male figures.

1. “To become a father is not difficult, but to be a father is.” Unknown

With medical technology today there are so many ways you can become a father, but not everyone understands or wants to put in the effort to be a good parental figure. It would be unfair to call yourself a father if you don’t contribute anything to the child’s life.

2. “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” Theodore Hesburgh

To honor, respect and cherish your child’s mother is the most important thing you can do as a father. This teaches your son or daughter many valuable lessons for their future relationships. Children learn how to treat their future spouses and how to be treated in return.

3. “He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” Clarence Budington Kelland

The best way to teach a child a life lessons is to lead by example. Show him you have morals and integrity. Children and teenagers observe everything parents do and usually mimic their actions.

4. “A father carries pictures where his money used to be.” Unknown

This quote is rather humorous. It’s a given fact once you have children your money disappears quicker than before the little tykes came along. Budgeting becomes necessary in life but showing off your children’s pictures is much more gratifying than showing off how much money you have in your wallet.

5. “Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes.” Gloria Naylor

It doesn’t matter how young or old, there are those days when no one can make your world better but dear old dad. Don’t you wonder how they know how to fix your leaky faucet and broken heart all at the same time?

6. “It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn’t.” Barbara Kingsolver

There is nothing more tragic than a parent outliving their child. It’s inevitable that your children will grow up and leave home but it’s the parent’s duty to make sure they are ready for the real world. Take pride in the fact that your children are able to fend for themselves.

7. “It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.” Johann Schiller

It doesn’t matter if the key male influence in your life is your biological father, adopted father, stepfather or the neighbor who lives two doors down. Whoever had guided and supported you throughout your life is the man you will forever be grateful. They most likely shaped you to become the person you are today.

8. “Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!” Lydia Maria Child

The man that has allowed his children to feel comfortable enough to call on him in times of trouble and in times of celebration is the luckiest man alive. A parent’s greatest achievement is when their children actually want to spend time with them.

9. “It’s a wise father that knows his own child.” William Shakespeare

It’s amazing how a mother knows all their children’s favorite things in life, but it takes a totally involved father to learn their children’s favorite games, stuffed animal, food, movies, fears, bedtime, bath time and etc. When you take the time to really get to know your child is when you can consider yourself a real father.

10. “Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.” Bill Cosby

Father’s day presents can be quite interesting at times. Soap-on-a-rope, coffee mugs that say DAD (to add to your already growing collection), pink golf balls (because that is little Suzie’s favorite color) and argyle socks. Whatever gift you receive, you will learn to put your most surprised and delighted look on your face.

Happy Father’s Day!


Karla News

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