Categories: Parenting

Father and Son Movie Night Suggestions from Dads

My husband and son went out for a father and son movie night last week. They saw “The Avengers”, a very popular movie among all my friends, both male and female. I started thinking, with Father’s Day approaching, a father and son movie night seems like a great idea. I wondered what sorts of movies fathers and sons might like to watch together when the girls aren’t around. I asked my own dad what films he would suggest for such a night and his reply was, “Anything with Clint Eastwood, without bridges and not set in Madison County.” I decided to take the question to a more contemporary bunch of dads, men who have young sons at home right now.

Not what I would have expected

Okay, yes, I am a girl, or a woman to be more exact. I am even the dreaded “M” word, a mom. So it stands to reason that what I think guys would like for a father and son movie night may not be entirely accurate. Fortunately for several of the guys I surveyed, I’m not in charge of picking up the DVDs for their next film fest. Here are a few of the selections that surprised me.

Anthony C. from Oklahoma picked “El Mariachi” directed by Robert Rodriquez and “Kill Bill” by Quentin Tarantino as two of his top choices for father and son movie night. His 12-year-old son would not be able to see either of those films in the theater, due to their R-rated language and extreme violence. Of course, parental discretion trumps the MPAA ratings, so it’s up to Anthony and his wife to decide when their son is mature enough to handle the subject matter at hand.

Roland R. from Arkansas chose another Tarantino film, “Pulp Fiction”. His sons are, likewise, too young to see this film in a theater due to the graphic violence, sexual content, drug use and language so gratuitously profane it is the only movie I ever walked out on in a theater. Like I said, some of the selections are definitely not what I expected.

More like what I would have imagined

Michael H. from Oklahoma and David M. from Nottingham, U.K. both chose the original “Star Wars” trilogy directed by George Lucas for their father and son movie nights. This choice is perhaps fueled by nostalgia, or maybe just favored as a timeless sci-fi classic. Either way, the original “Star Wars” films are age-appropriate for both men’s elementary school aged sons.

Dale C., a local pastor originally from Arkansas and father of two chose “Facing the Giants” directed by Alex Kendrick. He said, “Most movies are unacceptable because of content these days. What used to be rated R is now called PG.”

Anthony C. made another selection more along the lines of what I would have predicted, but totally unhelpful if I was going to try to bring home a DVD rental. He said, “Old, Asian kung fu movies with the bad dubbing.” I can definitely imagine a father and son watching one of those movies and scarfing down a giant sandwich with root beer and no napkins. But which one? I’m a mom. I need specific titles, or you might just get something set in Madison County with lots of pretty bridges.

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