Categories: Parenting

Family Goals – Family Goal Setting

Family goals can bring a family together making everyone feel needed and wanted as every member of the family works toward a common cause. Setting family goals should not be the job of just parents or head of households but need to include everyone. Goals that are agreed upon by everyone are much more likely to be successfully accomplished than those where only a few are involved in the goal setting process. Most all of us have seen how people coming together and working towards a common goal can accomplish much more and in a shorter time frame then otherwise would have been possible. Family goals should be set with the idea that everyone involved will gain some advantage or reward form the accomplishment of the goal. When children learn effective goal setting techniques they will learn how to set a goal and follow through to the successful conclusion of reaching the goal.

Family goals can be as varied and unique as the family involved . As noted above each family member should be involved in the goal setting process but parents or other older individuals must guide the goal setting process to make sure that goals agreed upon are realistic and attainable.

Examples of family goals follow but keep in mind that these are just general examples and each individual family situation will dictate what goal or goals they want to set and how to go about successfully reaching a goal.

Family financial goals: One of the first goals many families think of when setting family goals involves money. Whether it be a goal to cut back on everyday family expenses or save money for a family vacation a goal involving money is one of the more popular ones that families sometimes set. For such a goal to be realized it should be definite in both dollar amount and time frame. A goal that is to vague is easy to put off or never continue if things get difficult. Braking up the goal into manageable steps helps the family to stay on track and is a very effective goal setting technique.

Setting health goals for a family is another example of how families can work towards the well being of all family members. Setting family goals of eating healthy and exercising help everyone not just adults to lead a healthy and productive lifestyle. This type of goal helps to develop habits that can last a lifetime and have countless rewards down the road.

Family goals can add value to any family or situation and teach effective goal setting skills that everyone can benefit and learn from. Bring your family together by setting family goals and reap the many rewards of working together to achieve a common purpose.

Karla News

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