Categories: Parenting

Explaining Sleep Paralysis

Ever since the beginning of time, people have been experiencing a weird phenomena that has come to be known as “Sleep Paralysis”, or “Old hag syndrome”. Sleep paralysis has gathered a lot of attention over the last decade with the coming of the world wide web, and legitimate information on it has been in very high demand from people of all kinds; ranging from skeptics of metaphysical and supernatural activity, to those very advanced and experienced in this field. I’ve spent thousands of hours dedicated to studying this phenomena and spent much of my time creating theories and coming to conclusions of why this occurs, and how. Why does it happen? Why doesn’t everyone experience it? Why do the hallucinations and sensations that sometimes accompany it occur? I’ll explain those questions in this article.

Why does sleep paralysis happen to people?

There is more than one reason that it happens, I’m not sure of all of them, but I know some. Since it’s a subject that doesn’t get much research done on it, only few things are known about it, and conclusions usually have to be made by the individual experiencing the phenomena. I’ll show you here some things that I’m sure cause sleep paralysis to occur.

1. Not getting enough rest: Some people may get home from work or a good jog in the park and be extremely fatigued. If you don’t get enough sleep, or at least enough for your body to be revitalized as much as it wants, when you wake up in the morning, your body might not wake up with you. What I mean by this, is that you will wake up, but your body will feel it’s too tired to wake up and go back to sleep immediately, leaving your mind awake but your body asleep. If you’re in a state called REM, or Rapid Eye Movement, you may start hallucinating with whatever is on your mind, whatever you fear will happen (such as you thinking that you’ll be abducted by an alien, causing you to see an alien.) You could just begin dreaming again, but if you simply must wake up to go to work or to go do something, that wont really be an option, which can add to the anticipation of the situation.

If you experience Sleep Paralysis frequently, fatigue could be an issue, or it could be something else that has to do with the brain. In that case, you should go see a neurologist and see if they can do anything about it.

2. If you wake up and just lay there for a few minutes staring into the darkness, this can cause your body to go back to sleep, causing you to enter sleep paralysis. M

Why do you sometimes hallucinate audio, visually, etc. during an episode of Sleep Paralysis?

There’s a thing called the hypnagogic state that you enter when you’re in the point between waking up and falling to sleep. This state is usually active during the Sleep Paralysis state. What happens is, whatever you think about, you will usually hallucinate, and it will seem real since you’re half dreaming. Just try to stay calm, or try to make the most of the situation and think about something pleasant.

There’s many a thing that can be accomplished during this state, believe it or not. These days, there are more people that want to get into this state than to get out of it.

Astral Projection: I have guides about how to achieve this on my page. Astral Projection is the act of projecting your astral body into the astral planes. This is a very good experience, better than life itself. Some people actually think that this is what the afterlife will look like, and that astral projection is proof that there’s such thing as an afterlife. Some think that it’s just the brain playing tricks on you. I think not. There are colors that have never even been discovered in this plane, besides that, the clarity of everything is improved dramatically; It’s like your vision is at an extraordinary level, in other words think of it like this; the Astral Planes have better “graphics” than the world we’re living in right now.

Ethereal Projection: This is the act of projecting your ethereal body into the ethereal planes, or Real Time Zone. Basically you can temporarily be in ghost form. Your body doesn’t turn invisible, but an invisible body comes out from your physical body. This is known as the “Spirit”, that’s thought to be the true source of your life. I also have a guide about this on my page.

Lucid Dreaming: You can control your dreams. I don’t have a guide yet, but I’ll try to add one. It’s kind of like Astral Projection.

Vibrations: You wont really find a guide about these vibrations anywhere else except for my page. I’ve come to know these vibrations of the true source of “Magic” in this world, of the true power of “Alchemy”.

I’ll try to go more in depth on this concept later on, for now I’ll try to continue my research on it. If you’re having any problems with any of the things that I’ve mentioned earlier, message me and I’ll try to create an article about it.

Karla News

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