Categories: Parenting

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early

No one likes to get up early, but sometimes it’s just part of life. You may have a meeting or you may have a long commute. Regardless of why you have to wake up early, it’s still an unpleasant part of life. If you have trouble getting up early and find yourself constantly hitting the snooze button, you may want to follow some of these tips.

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early #1: Go to Bed Early

Of course the easiest way to get up early is to go to bed at a decent time. It doesn’t make sense to go to bed at 3 a.m. when you have to get up at 7 a.m. Get in bed early enough to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. This will make it much easier to wake up early.

Easy Ways Wake Up Early #2: Listen to Your Favorite Upbeat Music

Buy an alarm clock that plays CDs and then load it with your favorite upbeat music. Waking up early is easy when you have your favorite music playing. Once the alarm goes off, turn the music up and enjoy it while you get ready.

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early #3: Wash Your Face with Cold Water

It’s easy to wake up early when you wash your face with cold water. Ice cold water is enough to wake anyone up, even if you only got a couple hours of sleep. Let this be the first thing you do after getting out of bed.

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early #4: Exercise

A good way to wake up early is to exercise. Just a short run on the treadmill or a few jumping jacks will be enough to wake you up. Also this is great for your body. If you have time, schedule a morning workout for 3-5 mornings of your week.

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early #5: Brew Some Coffee

Buy a coffee pot that is programmable and set it to start brewing coffee a few minutes before your alarm is set to go off. The smell of coffee is great for when you have to wake up early. Even if you don’t drink coffee the smell is energizing and surely someone in your house drinks it.

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early #6: Take a Shower

You will always feel better when you start your day out with a shower. While you may be tempted to shower before you go to bed, so that you can sleep later, a shower is really best first thing in the morning. Showers are energizing and the smell of some soaps will quickly wake you up.

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early #7: Use a Soap that Has an Energizing Smell

Buy a soap that has an energizing smell. A great brand is Zest. The smell of Zest will wake up in a matter of minutes. And remember, you’re not fully clean until you’re Zest-fully clean.

Easy Ways to Wake Up Early #8: Drink Orange Juice

Many people may choose caffeine to help them wake up, but orange juice seems to work even better. Orange juice is not only healthy, but it energizes you and get you ready for the day. Try drinking orange juice by itself or make a smoothie.

Karla News

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