Categories: Beauty

Do You Sweat A lot? Here’s What to Do

Do you sweat buckets? Why oh why can everyone give clothing to the goodwill and to their friends but you? Right, your clothing always has yellow stains in the armpits because you sweat bullets everyday. Give your clothes to someone else? If only you could make your clothes last long enough so that you could wear them.

Here’s what you can do if you sweat a lot. There are a few options here, and as a person who used to avoid white shirts; I’ve tried all of these methods.

Certain Dri Deodorant: Celebrities use this so it has to work, right? Well, I’ve used Certain Dri and had some good results. It’s true that I did not sweat nearly as much as I did when I used regular antiperspirant.

However, as a person who highly values being healthy, I just had a real problem with not allowing my body to sweat. When I tried to sweat underneath of my arms, I felt a sort of tightness, like maybe the antiperspirant had closed up my pores and I wondered, just how much aluminum was in this stuff.

Some people have said that antiperspirants can cause cancer, and I’m not sure if that has been proven, but if it’s true, Certain Dri seems to be the super-antiperspirant. I was scared of that, so I stopped using it.

Deodorants that aren’t antiperspirants: If you do some research on the web, you will find that many people think that yellow stains come from the aluminum ingredient that is required to be in antiperspirants. After reading that, I tried to use straight deodorants like Tom’s naturals or the ones you can get at the dollar store.

I didn’t have any luck with these. I don’t think I saw the yellow stains, but I sweated so much to the point of stinking. Yellow stains are one thing, but stinking is another. I just wouldn’t trade one for another. Plus, the smell of these types of deodorants is usually kind of unpleasant. No powder fresh here.

Dress Shields: These can be found at the cleaners. They are for one time use only, and that’s the big problem. They have little straps. You put them on and the pads cover your underarms and protect your clothes from yellowing. These work well for the one time you can use them.

Comfywear: These are great. There’s a website you can go to and purchase these. Just google “comfy wear” and you’ll find them. These work like dress shields, but they are made of fabric. You can buy little undershirts or half shirts that have cloth pads in them.

They are great for protecting clothing against staining. They aren’t too expensive, and they are worth every penny. Get some of these if you sweat, and surely you’ll be on your way to having longer-lasting clothes.

So if you sweat a lot, you can either try putting more chemicals on your pores, or you can get something to protect your clothes. Perhaps their are also surgical procedures and what not to help you sweat less, but who wants go through that? If you sweat, perhaps you should just let yourself sweat.

Karla News

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