Do it Yourself Remedies for Bed Bugs

Bed bugs don’t just hang out in hotels or dirty homes. Bed bugs are on the move and you should be prepared. If you’ve never had bed bugs, there are ways to prevent them. If you have had bed bugs, you never want them again.

Abed bug is a blood feeding parasite of humans, birds and animals. A bed bug is usually 1.5 mm – 1 cm long. A bed bug can live up to one year without a feeding. when a bed bug lays eggs, it can lay 200 – 500 at one time.

Here are some products and tips you can use at your home to help get rid of bed bugs or prevent bed bugs.

Steri Fab is an alcohol based cleaner that is effective on bed bugs. Steri Fab can be purchased on the internet. No license is needed to use the product. Read and follow instructions. Also, there’s a number of bed bug products you can purchase at hardware and garden supply stores. Always read and follow directions before using any products.

Diatomaceous Earth (aka Mother Earth) is a ground up seashell product. Diatomaceous will come in a powder form and very effective against bed bugs. It has a long term effect on preventing bed bugs, as they refuse to pass through it. It’s recommended to replace Diatomaceous about every six months. Especially recommended for apartments or dorms, where others may have bed bugs. You will find Diatomaceous in the pool care isle at a local store or pool store.

If you think you have bed bugs or want to be extra cautious steam clean your bed (mattress and box spring), baseboards, couches, chairs and carpets.

Pull the bed, couch and other furniture away from curtains or walls. On couch and bed legs put a container with a little salve in it under each leg. On the leg of the couch or bed, put double sided tape. Bed bugs will get stuck in it.

Put a bed bug cover on your bed. You can find bed bug covers at places like Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart or on the internet. Also, inflatable air beds are good too. Remove the mattress tag from your mattress. It’s just another place for bed bugs to hid.

Bed bugs are less active in a cooler environment. A cooler environment won’t stop bed bugs unless it’s below fifteen degrees. A cooler environment might help you get a better handle on them.

Bed bugs dislike light. Keep rooms lit. This will slow them down but it won’t stop them.

By repairing all loose wallpaper or chipped paint, you’ll give bed bugs less places to hide.

Caulk and repair any loose baseboards in your home. This will stop bed bugs from getting in and remove another potential hiding spot.

Vacuum from wall to wall. Immediately throw away vacuum bag or empty and wash vacuum container. You should repeat vacuuming frequently, unless or until your comfortable all bed bugs and bed bug eggs have been removed.

Get rid of cardboard boxes. Store things in sealable plastic containers and totes.

Wash and dry all clothing. Dry all clothing in a dry of at least one hundred and thirty degrees. Items should be in the dryer no less then twenty minutes.

Put items such as stuffed animals, shoes and pillows in the dryer for twenty minutes. The dryer should be at least one hundred and thirty degrees.

In the North, you can freeze bed bugs. Open all your windows and doors, let the temp drop to fifteen degrees or lower for forty eight hours. Or put infected items outside for forty eight hours when temperatures are less then fifteen degrees.

If you see a bed bug, rubbing alcohol will kill it. However, don’t think the problem is solved, as the bed bug could have laid eggs or there could be more lingering around.

Don’t forget about the animals. Be sure to clean up where they sleep and play.

When guests come to visit, ask them to keep their items in a certain area. If you suspect there might be an issue of bed bugs with them or recent travels, have them take precautions like laundering their clothing. Be sure to clean up really good when guests leave and keep an eye out for any signs of bed bugs.

If an infestation of bed bugs is uncontrollable or you feel your efforts aren’t working, call a local pest control company. With bed bug cases on the rise, it’s a good idea not to let things get out of hand. Don’t be ashamed you have bed bugs, be proud you are clearing them out of your home and life.

Source: Pest Control Specialist

Karla News

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