Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Decreasing FSH, (Follice Stimulating Hormone) Levels Naturally

For women over 35, there are so many changes within their monthly cycles going on, and for some there might be more symptoms than others. One thing we can count on is as we age our egg quality will begin to decrease. As a result, our pituitary glands secrete more FSH, (follicle stimulating hormone), to get the egg to respond and mature and become ready for release. There are ways of improving this situation through diet and lifestyle if we’re willing to do them, lets explore some of them.

First of all we need to start to attempt to improve egg quality, because if that aspect of things improves, we will then need less FSH levels to stimulate our eggs into maturity. The best way to improve egg quality is by providing them with adequate nourishment. Nourishment that is derived from whole raw food is the best way to ensure that quality nutrients will be getting to our eggs, nutrients that will have some lasting value for them. Processed refined food has nothing to offer your eggs or any other parts of us either. Processed food will continue to plummet the quality of your eggs and in turn your FSH levels will continue to rise, so do have some respect for the power within the foods created for our bodies. These foods possess the ability to nurture our endocrine systems, which in turn will nurture a baby when all is well. In her book titled Inconceivable, Julia Indochiva continued to have her FSH levels tested after implementing a whole foods diet, and was able to make significant drops in her FSH levels. Approximately 20 points before conceiving her second child.

Excercise is imperative in this whole thing. Without it you’ll be missing a vital piece to this intricate puzzle of fertility. It stimulates the endocrine system and there just is no substitute for it. Eating well will certainly help, but if your a more mature woman this is just one thing you can’t afford to skip. Daily excercise, at least 30 minutes or longer daily. Try to find something that you enjoy so you’ll stick with it for the long haul. If your doing something your luke warm about, its not going to last.

Another good way to improve egg quality and therefore FSH levels, is improving blood flow to the ovaries. You can do this with something called the femoral artery press. The femoral artery is a major artery that we can locate within our groin area. You will feel your pulse in your groin when you’ve located it. Press down on this area 6 times daily for 30-45 seconds each time. Splitting it up 3 on each side, twice daily is a good way to go. You can also do tripods and handstands to get the blood flow to the desired area. I do them 2 times daily and hold them for at least a minute or longer. There is also the warm foot soak. Filling a large container full of warm water and soaking your feet in it increases blood flow to the extremeties and directs the blood flow to the lower portion of the body, namely our pelvic region. It feels good on your feet as well!

Doing all these things may seem overwhelming at first, but before long they become just another part of your life and you go about doing them with no trouble at all, and if you find yourself with a newborn in your arms…. well, somehow I know you’ll feel it was all worth it.

Karla News

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