Categories: Pets

Common Aquarium Problems And How to fix Them: Cloudy Water, Worms, Algae, Etc

If you have a fish tank, you’ve probably encountered quite a few different problems at one given point or another. Fish tanks are very touchy, despite what everybody might think. It’s not just as easy as throwing a fish in a bowl. If you don’t know a lot about aquariums you will probably run into a few different problems as some point or another.

If you notice that your tank is cloudy it can be for a number of reasons. The number one reason is that the nitrate, nitrite and ammonia levels are really high. This might be because you over feed your fish. One fish will only need several fish flakes. You will not have to dump a lot of food into the tank. The excess food will only sit at the bottom of your tank and start to decay and break down, leading to many different problems such as cloudy water and your fish might also start to get stressed out and sick.

Another thing that you want to remember is that you can never add regular water to your fish tank without adding some type of dechlorinator. Stress Coat can be purchased from any pet store and it will remove the chlorine from your water. You can also purchase filtered water for small aquariums or you can let a gallon of regular water sit in a jug for 24 hours and this will be free from chlorine.

You may have too many fish in your fish tank. For freshwater tanks and saltwater tanks you should only have one inch of fish per gallon of water. This means that if you have a 30 gallon fish tank you will only want six, five inch fish. Never keep too many fish in your aquarium or it will lead to many problems. You will have to add more fish food which might lead to overfeeding. Your fish could get stressed out because there are not enough hiding places. A few of your fish might also be aggressive, chasing around the slower and smaller fish. You will always need to supply your fish with many different hiding places.

If you have an algae problems it’s because of two different things. You are not cleaning the tank as well and as often as you should be. You are also probably leaving your light on for too long. Put your tank on a timer and only leave the light on for a maximum of six or seven hours while you are at home so that you can enjoy the fish tank.

If you have worms in your tank it’s probably because your filter isn’t working properly or has never been cleaned. You must clean the filter with every water change but do not rinse off the sponges because they house beneficial bacteria. This might also be caused by overpopulation.

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