Catnip Infusion for Natural Menstrual Cramping Relief

Everyone women goes through at least twelve menstrual cycles per year depending on her health, pregnancy and birth control medications she is on. Sometimes the cramping and discomforting aching pain that comes along with a women’s menstrual cycle can keep her in bed lying down until the pain passes. Some women even try taking over the counter pain relievers to relieve their menstrual cramping and do find relief, but end up with other side effects such as nausea and vomiting which is not what they need. One natural remedy every woman should try is a homemade catnip infusion, which is a hot soothing medicinal beverage that contains antispasmodic properties that help soothe the muscles and lining of the uterus so a woman’s menstrual cramping lessen. I know from personal experience that this infusion works well and best of all it is extremely easy to make.

Ingredients Need for the Catnip Infusion

When I make a catnip infusion for menstrual cramp relief I like to use three tablespoons of dried organic catnip, a tablespoon of dried peppermint and a teaspoon of dried lemon balm. If you don’t have these herbs on hand you can easily find them at any local herbal shop, or possibly even your local farmers market depending on the fresh herbs farms bring to the market to sell during the spring, summer and fall months. I personally get my herbs typically from my local herbal shop, but I actually had these herbs on hand cut freshly and dried right from my own herbal garden.

Why Are Peppermint and Lemon Balm Used in the Infusion?

The reason I use peppermint and lemon balm in the catnip infusion is that they contain antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and natural pain relieving medicinal properties in them that help soothe cramping. The herbs also calm other discomforting symptoms that come along with the monthly menstrual cycle such as headaches, nausea, vomiting and lower backaches. The aroma from the herbs also helps calm the mind and relieves stress and fatigue feelings as well.

Making the Catnip Infusion

The best way I find to make the catnip infusion is by filling a large teatime ball with the dried catnip, peppermint and lemon balm herbs. Then I carefully place the teatime ball filled with herbs into my large teapot, pour boiling water over it until my teapot is filled up and the teatime ball is covered in boiling water. After, I place the lid over my teapot and allow the infusion to steep for twenty minutes to help draw out the medicinal properties from the herbs. Once the infusion is made, it will have a strong mint aroma and nice light mint flavor with this lovely pale golden yellow color that is warming.

Using the Catnip Infusion for Relieving Menstrual Cramps

Now the best way to relieve menstrual cramping and any other discomforting symptoms you are getting with your menstrual cycle simply sip on the catnip infusion throughout the day, or until your, menstrual cramping begins to go away. The way I prefer to serve up my infusion is by filling my teacup up with the infusion and combining a teaspoon of honey into it to help sweeten it up. Then I sip on the infusion slowly one cup after another until the cramping is gone. However, you can drink this infusion as is because it does have a wonderful flavor on its own and works just as well without the honey.

Precautions with the Catnip Infusion

Something to keep in mind when you are using the catnip infusion is it can cause drowsiness so do not drink too much of it if you have tons of tasks to do throughout the day. You will also want to be caution about drinking the infusion if you have allergies to any herb in the mint family because catnip is related to the mint family and has been known to cause allergic reactions in some people. Otherwise, catnip along with lemon balm and peppermint are safe to use daily and nightly throughout your menstrual cycle to help ease your discomforts naturally.


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