Can Hydrogen Peroxide Prevent the Flu?

Picking Up The Pieces.

Over time, I collect a little information from here and a little from there. None of the pieces are enough by themselves to make an article but all of them, at least in my opinion, are worth bringing to reader’s attention.

I have a very dear friend who had Hotchkins lymphoma many years ago. He’d been in remission for almost 30 years; until last February. We talk on the phone about twice a month and he told me he was back on chemo therapy and taking radiation treatments. I can’t count how many research studies I’ve read that say we have a complete new body, bones and all, every seven years. Over the years I’ve given my friend this information innumerable times. I’ve also told him that it’s impossible for the body to make new parts if it’s in an ongoing day to day battle. Fact: my friend has an alcohol problem. Fact: you can’t get healthy if you poison yourself on a daily basis.

How many pandemics have been predicted in the last ten years? There was bird flu, SARS and now swine flu. How many never made it beyond sensationalist headlines? Why do they keep popping up? The latest estimate I read was, there’s more than four billion dollars in pure profit to be made on swine flu vaccine and injections. Has anyone else noticed that it’s not human suffering that’s front and center, but lost time and profits that are used as the benchmark?

Is there more to contracting colds and flu than keeping your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose. An ongoing strong immune system and frequently washing the hands are good places to start. There’s also a lot of research indicating the inner ear is where viruses, flu and colds have the easiest access to the inner workings of the human body.

The inner ear affords the right conditions for propagation of bacteria and viruses. It’s warm, humid, not exposed to sunlight or high concentrations of oxygen and is difficult to clean. Add wax buildup and you have the perfect medium for culturing and growing toxins of all kinds. Hydrogen peroxide, the 3% type you can buy in the store, is cheap and works effectively when cleaning the ears. Following is scientific fact, and some anecdotal information, that recently came to my attention.

In 1928 Richard Simmons MD, hypothesized that colds and flu virus enter through the ear canal. His findings were immediately dismissed by the medical community. (It took thousands of years to squelch the “World is flat” theory; and there’s vested interest here.) According to Dr. Simmons, contrary to what we’ve been taught, there is only one way that you can catch a cold or flu, and that’s via the ear canal and not through the eyes, nose or mouth. (I’m not sure I’d completely dismiss the eyes, nose and mouth (ENM). According to Dr. Simmons, keeping your fingers out of your ears, (as well as eyes, nose and mouth LRM), will greatly reduce chances of catching the flu or a cold. Virus are microscopic, can be airborne and may land on, or in, your ear (or ENM). Once they’ve entered the inner-ear (middle-ear) they begin their breeding and have access throughout the body.

In 1938 German researchers were highly successful when using hydrogen peroxide to treat, and defeat, colds and flu. Their data has been ignored (suppressed?) for over 70 years. Not much money to be made if you can do it yourself with something cheap and readily available.

According to information I received, many people “in the know” have been successfully treating the flu and colds where they begin their breeding process, in the ear, and not treating symptoms where they’ve already spread to; the eyes, nose, mouth, throat and respiratory system .

The information states, “It’s important to begin treatment as soon as symptoms appear.” The information I received says, “remarkable results in curing the flu and colds have been achieved within 12 to 14 hours by administering a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into each infected ear…” (sometimes only one ear is infected). “To cure the flu you’ll need to repeat this process multiple times, at one or two hour intervals, until there is no more bubbling when you put H2O2 in your ear(s).”

The H2O2 starts killing the flu or cold virus on contact. Two or more treatments may be necessary to penetrate and clear the wax buildup from the infected area. You’ll know when wax is gone by the clear, or light amber, color of the drained H202. Some bubbling, and possibly mild stinging, is an indication the H202 is working. Wait until the bubbling and stinging are gone, usually 5 to 10 minutes, then turn the treated ear downward and drain liquid onto a tissue or other absorbent material. If both ears are infected, repeat the process on the other ear. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is readily available for a couple of dollars.


Karla News

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