Categories: Parenting

Boredom in Adults: Fun and Interesting Things to Do When You Are Bored

It may not happen very often. If you have children or work a lot of hours there is not much time to get bored. I do not care who you are everyone gets bored on occasion. I know myself there is only so much housecleaning and TV watching that I can do on my little breaks. I have put together some fun things that you can do in your spare time if you are bored.

Computer Fun – Have you ever been sitting in front of your computer just staring at the screen? You are tired of the same ole games, but you want to do something.

A very interesting site that the name says it all is I am this is a wonderful site with all kinds of interesting and weird things.

Google your own name, and your friends too. Its fun and its amazing how many people out there there that have the same name as you.

You can search your state treasury department for missing money, when you do this you can search your name and your family and friends too. I found 328.00 that I had and quite a few people that I know found money in their names too. This will link you to individual states treasury departments.

Some fun game sites are this is a multi player community with tons of fun games.

Atari games online now this is my favorite you can play classic board games against other people like monopoly, scrabble and yahtzee.

Mini clip games this site features games out of the ordinary.

The great outdoors- leave all phones and electronics at home.

Take a walk out side and enjoy the fresh air. I know I don’t get enough of it. Scout the area for wildflowers and bring them home hang them upside down to dry them and then create a flower arrangement. They smell great too!

Find some flat rocks to bring home and paint they are a perfect accent for any flower garden. My children help me with this project and it really adds a family touch to any flower garden.

Go hiking if there is trails in your area, or go jogging. You will quickly forget about all your worries with the wind rushing through your hair in the middle of a good jog or fast walk. If that is not to your liking just go outside prop your feet up and relax with a good book or magazine.

The library is a great place for new reading material, or to just browse. If reading is not your style do some research at the library, The library has tons of information on all topics. This is a great time to find out all about your town and the surrounding areas. If you don’t have a job and are looking for something to do in spare time, ask if you can volunteer at the library this will give you something to do plus you will be giving back to the community.

Finish those picture albums, Yes we all have pictures laying around that are not in albums yet. Get creative put captions and stickers beside your pictures. This is a fun task once you get it started.

Family trivia- create your own board game.

Now creating a board game is not as hard as it may seem, and actually is a way that the family can work and play together. You can make a family trivia game. First decide how far within the family you want to go. I would suggest doing a game for each side of the family, this is great at family gatherings. Make a list of trivia questions like ” What is Aunt Pearl’s middle name” or ” Did Uncle Leroy ever get arrested”. This can actually be quite funny and an enjoyable way to learn more about your family. After deciding on the questions, and remember you can add more questions as you go along. Then you need to make the game board.Get creative use family photos and have special charade squares where you have to act like a member of the family and the team that guesses first wins. You can variate from this game as much as you like because its ” your” game. Be original and have fun.

Remember there are lots of fun things to do on those boring days if you just put your mind to it.


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